Page 101 of Naughty Festivities

“Who goes running the day after a wedding in ninety-something-degree heat?”

“My idiot brother,” Jacob said, joining them.

“My body is a temple.” Blake grinned, chugging it down.

“Dude, have you read the ingredients in those fucking things?” Jacob asked, his brows lifting. “It’ll be a crumbling temple soon if you keep drinking them.”

Amelia sniggered.

“Don’t be jealous.” Blake stretched out his legs, running his hand under his T-shirt so it bunched up and showed his tanned six-pack.

“Put it away.” Jacob rolled his eyes.

They might be her cousins and years younger, but Amelia was well aware the two of them were very good-looking young men. Their entire trip, girls had been tripping over themselves to get their attention.

A little like the woman who cast their eyes over Jack’s tall, muscular body when she was with him.

They had no shame.

But she wasn’t innocent herself.

He was a beautiful, powerful, and wealthy man. It was hard to look away.

Arriving in Maui had been difficult initially. She had wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. But her family needed her. Her big brother had been getting married, so she’d pulled herself together and planted a smile on her face.

There would be lots of grieving time when she got home.

Lily, Emma’s best friend, had thrown them all a curve ball when she’d been called home to Chicago to her father’s deathbed. Then surprising all of them. Last night, after the wedding reception, Aidan had gone after her.

Amelia had been aware of the attraction between Aidan and Lily, but she had no idea it had gotten so serious.

In just a few days.

She’d lain awake last night for hours, thinking about Jack and how quickly she had fallen in love with him. Much earlier than even admitting it to herself.

But she did love him, and how she was going to stop doing that was the question.

The jet lifted off the tarmac, taking them back to Oahu. Emma and Logan had remained on Maui for their honeymoon, so it was just her, Blake, and Jacob. The mid-morning flight was less than an hour and they would stay in Waikiki another few days before returning to Philadelphia.

Amelia had initially made plans to do some shopping and do a tour around the island. Maybe even Pearl Harbor. Now, she wasn’t sure what she felt like doing.

Perhaps a new Chanel handbag would cheer her up.

Probably not.

Her mind was a kaleidoscope of thoughts, not letting her relax. She was right not to trust Jack, wasn’t she?

The more she’d gone over and over it, the past few days, Amelia had come to understand one thing. Her trust issues were the real problem here.

Not that Jack wasn’t at fault.

He was.

Harper had picked up on her mood last night at the wedding reception and pulled her aside. Daniel’s wife was quite astute and never missed a thing.

“What’s going on, honey? My Spidey senses are going off.”

Blame it on the many glasses of Cristal—Amelia’s weakness—but she opened her mouth and didn’t stop talking. The only thing she didn’t give away was Jack’s identity.