Page 11 of Naughty Festivities


Jack stared down atthe woman and forced back his growl as crystal blue eyes met his.

Then he got a closeup at those plush, sexy lips and he hoped she didn’t look down.

Correction, he hoped she did.

His cock was swelling, and Jack briefly wondered what the chances were of having his personal security man, Abe, clear the studio so he could slam her into the wall, tug up her dress and fuck her blind.

As a senator, she posed a national threat to his cock.

Surely, that was a good enough reason.

His cock had been hard since he’d walked in and laid eyes on the dark-haired siren. Because shewasa siren and, clearly, he’d been bewitched.

Jesus, he’d only popped in for something to do after flying into Philadelphia a few hours ago from Washington, DC. He should be having dinner and then doing some work before heading to bed, but he wasn’t hungry.

As the state senator, Jack had been invited by Chang, so he’d decided to drop in for an hour. Abe, his personal security, stood several feet away, doing his thing. He’d already greeted a few people and shaken hands, but now he had this beauty to himself.

For a moment, at least.

The last thing he wanted was any media attention, so this would be a harmless flirt before heading home.

Jack kept an apartment in Philly, even though he only spent a few weeks a year here since it was a requirement of being a U.S. Senator. All you needed was a legitimate address, and then off to Capitol Hill you went.

He'd also purchased a home thirty minutes outside of Washington, DC, but still found himself spending two or three nights a week sleeping in his office.


The Cindy Event, as he was calling it, had been a one-off.

Tomorrow, Jack would visit his mom and make plans for the two weeks he planned to be in town. Right now, he was enjoying the arousing energy this beautiful woman was creating in his world.

It was rare for him to take such a powerful interest in someone. Yes, he appreciated beauty, but he could keep his eyes off her.

Or stay away.