Maybe shewaslooking in the wrong place.

Her last relationship with interior decorator Mathias had lasted three months. They’d attended many social events and knew some of the same people. It had felt like an excellent fit.

Her father even seemed to like him.

Then, when Amelia had sold her last piece and traveled to Chicago to oversee the installation, he’d shared photographs of him at his birthday party in amicable situations with a local artist.

A woman.

When she returned to Philly, she mentioned it, and his response had been surprising.

“Maybe if you had been there, I wouldn’t have wanted another woman,” Mathias had said.

“I’m sorry, what?” Amelia had cried. “Did you fuck her?”

“Look, Amelia. You work long hours, and I barely see you. Then you take off the weekend of my birthday—”

“Did. You. Fuck. Her?”

“She sucked my cock. I got her off with my mouth,” he confessed.

So basically, yes.

“I didn’t want to penetrate her because of us.”

“Wow. You are quite the hero,” she had snapped, shaking her head.

“Don’t be a bitch,” Mathias had replied as if it was all her fault they were arguing. “How about prioritizing our relationship?”

She had cracked.

“Listen, Mathias, when you sell a piece of art for $750,000.00, and they ask you to fly to Chicago overnight, you do it.”

It wasn’t a milestone birthday; they’d known each other for three months.


“Are you kidding me? You got 700k for that wooden thing you were making?” he had asked as his brows shot up his forehead.

Wooden thing.

Also known as her art.

If he couldn’t keep it in his pants for one weekend, then there was no future.

Just like every other man before her. They might not have cheated. Some felt inferior and jealous of her success; others were competitive with her, which was just awkward, and then there were the insecure men needing more of her time than she had to give.

In the end, it was just a turn-off.

And hurt.

Amelia wasn’t sure she’d meet anyone strong enough and confident enough to be the man in her life.

For now, she was happy for her friend.

“Rejections are just part of the success journey, Stella. Now look at you. Your own showing. I’m so proud of you,” Amelia said, and the two women clinked their glasses and grinned like little girls.

“Thanks, honey.” Stella's eyes were glossy as they shared this brief moment together.