Page 70 of Naughty Festivities

“That was incredible.” She clung to his shoulders and tried to push up on her knees, but he was too big, so Jack lifted her off his cock and lay her on his jeans as his seed leaked out of her.

“Thank you.” She smiled as his lips found hers.

Then he wrapped his arms around her and ran his hand along the side of her face.

“Amelia Dufort, I love you.”

Her breath hitched.

Oh god, he’d finally said it. Her heart swelled and while she was terrified once more of saying those three powerful and magical words, Amelia knew she had to be honest.

And brave.

He might hurt her. He might not.

But she had already fallen.

“I love you too,” she said, tears pooling in her eyes. “I do. I love you.

Jack’s smile reached from ear to ear as he pulled her hard against his body and kissed her deeply and madly.


SHE LOVES ME. AMELIADufort fucking loves me. I’m the luckiest man in the world.

Jack watched Amelia sleep as the fire flickered, casting shadows around the large open-plan room.

How did he get so lucky?

If it weren’t for the situation with Cindy, he’d think he was a blessed man.

He wanted Amelia, but he had to wait to truly claim her until he’d cleared up this dirty business. If he could wait.

Jack wasn’t a patient man when it came to Amelia.

Cindy had sent several more messages threatening to expose what he’d done to the media. As someone who worked closely with him, she knew the implications and its seriousness.

He’d countered by saying he had records of his lawyer attempting to get proof of the pregnancy and that the respected Washington attorney would happily stand up in front of cameras and state that.

Since then, she’d gone quiet.

Josh had finally phoned him yesterday.

“What have you got for me?” Jack asked.

“Her boyfriend is back living with her,” Josh replied. “They got back together, as far as we can ascertain, a week after you fucked her.”

Jack cringed at his words.

“Were they even separated?” His legal mind looking for a loophole.

Or rather, the motivation behind this. It would make sense if it was the boyfriend rather than Cindy. Part of him wanted to think she was being manipulated, but she was still just as guilty.

Unless there was a baby. And it was his.

“Hard to know. What we were looking for is other members of the senate she might have been philandering with. So far, there’s no evidence. My next guess is the boyfriend. If he found out Cindy slept with you, he might just want to take advantage of it.”

Jack nodded slowly, even though the man couldn’t see him. “So she could be pregnant?”