Page 48 of Naughty Festivities

Keeping her art from him was just a safeguard to not let him fully into her heart. Plus, if he did think her creations were odd, it would upset her, so she considered it a line in the sand she wouldn’t cross.

No matter how much she liked him.

“Then I think I should take you home,” Jack said, placing his napkin on his plate as her eyes widened.

That was it?

He didn’t want to see her again?

Her heart pounded as Jack stood and held out his hand. Amelia grabbed her handbag and climbed to her feet.

Oh, God.

She didn’t want toneversee him again.

Had she been too rash?

Then Jack added. “So that I can enjoy every inch of you while I am still in town.”

She forced a smile on her face, shocked at how much that brief moment of confusion had affected her.

Jack leaned down, pressing his nose into her hair. “Every inch, Amelia.”

Yes, please.


After dropping themback at Amelia's, Jack had Abe deliver his shopping back to his house, then gave him the night off. It was an assumption on his part, but he had no intention of leaving Amelia...or her bed.

With her in it.

He had to admit, their conversation over lunch still bothered him, but he wasn’t sure he had any grounds to disagree with her.

They both lived in different states and had gone into this almost with an unspoken agreement that it wasn’t heading anywhere serious.

Hadn’t they?