Page 41 of Naughty Festivities

Jack was silent for a moment and her body froze, waiting for him to drop a truth bomb that would make her hate men forever. But he didn’t. Instead, he blinked and said, “You still haven’t Googled me?”

Thank God.

Amelia hitched her shoulder. “I figure you were being honest. Were you?”

“I was.”

“Then anything I need to know I will ask you and not Google,” she said, yawning. “Plus, you are leaving in two weeks, so...”

For some reason she couldn’t find the words to finish that sentence.

“So...” Jack mirrored.

They both lay there staring at each other, heat in their eyes and a swirl of emotions mixing together like whipped cream. He was dangerous. The more time she spent with Jack Rutherford, the more she liked him.

Another yawn hit her, and her eyelids fluttered.

“Sweetheart, you’re fading.” His husky, masculine voice was like a smooth massage over her senses.

“Hmm,” she replied.

“Sleep. I’ll be dreaming of you,” she heard Jack say as she nodded sleepily. Then she was holding his hand as they twirled around the skating rink, laughing. Amelia knew it was a dream and that she should get up, but couldn’t remember why.

Then Jack spun her into his arms and dropped his warm lips to hers.

So soft, warm and delicious tasting of Christmas spice.

“Useless,” she heard Aidan say above as she felt the covers being pulled over her. “I’m going to watch the entire Witcher series before I leave. On double speed.”

Amelia snuggled into the pillow, smiling, then fell into a deep sleep.

Dreaming more of Jack.


Jack was about twentyminutes early to pick Amelia up, and he wasn’t sorry. He was expected to have been let in through the gates and smiled as his driver pulled up outside the front entrance. Then he walked to the door and pushed the doorbell.