Page 20 of Naughty Festivities

Jack would do the same to any man speaking to his sister Lucy like that, but she was married now, so the point is moot.

But he was glad Amelia had two passionate protectors. And even more glad they weren’t here so he could enjoy a night with her.

“They’re not here, are they?” he asked just to make sure.

“No,” Amelia laughed. “I doubt either of them has ever been here since we were kids.”

“Have you?”

She shrugged. “Once or twice. You?”

“Every year,” Jack replied, and they wandered back over to watch the skaters. “I only spend a few weeks here a year, so when I do, it's usually Christmas, and this is one of my first stops. I just never skate.”

Amelia was quiet, so he glanced down at her. She was staring at the skaters, but he could see her mind whirling.

“I live in Washington DC,” he clarified.

She nodded.

He wanted to say more, but what was there to say? Nothing more than one night was going to happen between them, so if she thought there was, he needed to make it clear.

Sure, it was bold of him to assume Amelia was the type of woman who would accept that. In fact, he didn’t think she was.

But she would make her own mind up at the end of the night.

Christmas carolers appeared in front of them in skates and burst into song, singingSilent Night.Without thinking, he moved closer to her and lay his hand on the small of her back and her face lifted to his.

Damn, that smile of hers is going to undo me.

Jack turned his attention back to the carolers but barely saw them. All he felt was Amelia leaning in gently against the side of his body.

Yes, he wanted to fuck her, but the sudden joy that rushed through him as he moved his arm further around her was dangerous.

Over the next hour or so, they wandered around the park, chatting and playfully flirting. Amelia bought a pair of Christmas mittens and a decoration for her tree. Jack purchased one or two trinkets for his mom and realized he needed to do a lot more shopping for his family this week.

He mentioned it out loud.

Silly mistake.

“How? It’s not like someone sprung the holiday on you. Same date every year,” Amelia teased. “Plus, online shopping.”

“I’ve been busy doing senator stuff.” He laughed, taking the paper bag from the seller and thanking him.

“What do you even do?” Amelia asked.

“Really?” he asked, taking her hand. Abe was a few steps behind them and briefly, Jack wondered if his security guy thought it was odd he suddenly had this woman on his arm.

And hopefully in his bed.

Although, despite still wanting to fuck her, he was enjoying himself far more than he thought he would be just talking and bantering.

It really was turning out to be an incredible night.

“Am I supposed to know?” Amelia asked.

Jack didn’t know how to answer that. He wasn’t ignorant enough to think all Americans knew what senators did or how the government worked. It was complex, and the truth was, most didn’t care. People here and in countries all over the world spent most of their time just getting by.

Something he wished he could change.