She then walked to another painting.
And he didn’t follow this time. He wanted to observe her from a distance and decide how he was going to fuck her tonight.
Because he would.
She was absolutely worth the chase, and, in fact, this was the most fun he’d had in ages.
Jack hoped she played hard to get for much, much longer.
First. Fucking hell, he’s hot.
Second, where the fuck are my brothers?
Because if they had seen her talking with Jack, they were probably planning their attack right now. Amelia did not want them to mess this up.
She could feel Jack’s eyes on her, and they were heating her up from the inside out and making her seriously wet.
Amelia had a feeling Jack could follow through on his promise of being a generous lover—because they both knew that’s what they were talking about—and she very much wanted him to prove it.
With her.
Too bad he was a suit, but hadn’t she just been saying she might need to try something, or rather someone, new?
Talk about being servedsomeoneon a silver platter.
Amelia knew an expensive, well-tailored, custom-made suit when she saw one. But it was the man who wore the suit. Not the suit that wore the man, as they say.
Jack held himself with complete confidence. His shoulders back, his chin level indicating he didn’t believe himself greater or lesser than anyone. It was likely he was a man of power. In her experience, those who made no effort to force their influence did so because they already had it.
She’d been surrounded by powerful men and women all her life, so she knew what she was talking about.
Money didn’t make someone powerful. Most people didn’t realize that. Influential people made money.