Page 5 of The Darkest Nights

We talked for another hour about business and finally headed out. We walk into the club to find Carmine where we left him at the door with a pretty blonde on his lap. Like attracted by scent, Alexis saunters up to Luca. He clocks her immediately and a lazy smile coasts his face as they casually bump fists and she inches up to whisper something in his ear. She's one of the only women my brother has kept around for longer than a week. She’s been around for a few years now, in the background of Luca’s life somewhere.

He rubs his hand over his mouth likely to suppress a smirk and my eyes roll on instinct. “I really need to deal with this,” Luca says smugly over Alexis' head as his arm snakes around her waist.

She gives me a somewhat apologetic smile. “I can grab someone for you? You’d love Silver.”

“I’m good.” I say tightly. “20 minutes and we’re leaving, we need to be at Euphoria in an hour.” I motion with my chin for him to get on with it and Carms takes that as his chance to disappear towards the private rooms as well, the blonde trailing behind him.

Euphoria is my nightclub. It's one the best in NYC, with three floors. Two floors for the club and an underground level where I hold MMA fights. It's where we conduct most of our business. Strip clubs aren’t my place, I don’t enjoy paying for women. I don’t really enjoy women at all. They talk too much and get too needy. I haven't got the time or energy for it. My marriage with Isla Murphy won't be built on love like my parents was, it's going to be built on politics. The true bedrock for a successful marriage. Marrying for love, it makes you weak. My father loved my mother and when she died he turned into a ghost. I don't intend to lead that way.

I walk over to the bar and a waitress has already poured me a drink. She slides it over with a polite smile. “You need anything else, Enzo?” I appreciate her not calling me ‘Mr Moretti’. That's my father. I don't want to be associated with him any more than absolutely necessary.

“No.” I wave her off. I'm not in the mood tonight. This rat business has gotten under my skin. I want the problem solved ASAP. The only thing worse than a problem, is a prolonged problem.

Arctic Monkeys, Do I wanna know Plays over the speaker. The spotlights over the main stage going in time with the drums as the dancer walks out. Her dark hair reaches her waist. Unbound and so shiny it might as well resemble glass. Some tattoos cover her thick legs and a few dotted over her arms and torso. I can't quite make any of them out at this distance but they all look to be random and in the same black thin lines. Her olive skin seems to glow under the colours of the stage lights. The shadows shift against her like they're moving with her. She’s like a siren straight out of the depths of the underworld led here to seduce you to your death.

Her waist dips in enough that I'm sure my hands could span around it. She has that hourglass figure that people pay money for, wide hips with slight dips above her powerful-looking thighs and an ass that could make any man forget what his name was. My eyes trail over her body past the delicate gold chains that adorn her neck and the sheer black Gucci underwear leaving little to the imagination.

I can't seem to take my eyes off her. She works the room with her eyes whilst her body moves of its own accord to the music. Her back presses against the pole and she slowly slides down, rolling her body and throwing her head back exposing the elegant column of her throat. She slides down so she's lying on the floor and kicks her legs out, opening up for the audience before throwing them back over her head and hitting the stage floor with her platforms, making an audible crack. She gets on her knees throwing her ass back almost like it's just for me.

Jesus Christ, it feels like someones put the heating on. I have the sudden urge to loosen my tie.

She rolls over and stands up. Her back arches and it makes the most natural movements look seductive. She flips her hair and I focus on her face.

It's the girl that rear-ended me.

Of course it fucking is.

I shake my head over my glass and try to turn my attention to the other stage in the corner where another dancer is doing the same thing only my eyes are drawn back because let's be honest, she hasn't got anything on the Brit.

Said Brit starts to spin around the pole, climbing it before throwing her legs in splits and slowly rotating mid-air. She makes it look easy but I can see the muscles in her arms flex as she does it and I know that it must take years of practice to hold yourself up in such a position, all whilst making it look like the hottest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Likewise, the men are going wild for it. She drops to the stage floor and gets on her hands and knees, starts crawling towards the front row and flipping her hair. She leans back, one arm behind her supporting her weight and rolls her body. Running her free hand up her thigh and torso painfully slowly making you wish it was your hand instead of hers. I’m fucking entranced. She slips her bra off, her tits bouncing free. A metal bar through each brown nipple. Goddamn, I want to eat her alive.

The guy in front chucks bills at her but she doesn’t acknowledge the money. She’s focused solely on him with those hooded ‘fuck me’ eyes. This girl knows how to play the game, she knows exactly what she’s doing. I never put much thought into stripping but how she does it is almost an art form.

The guy looks feral as she keeps eye contact with him, he leans forward and tries to grab her and she shakes her head firmly before motioning with her finger that he’s not allowed to touch. He slams his hands down on the stage aggressively but she doesn’t even flinch. Her stare turns stone cold and she starts looking around for security. Irritation runs through me, where the fuck is security? The guy doesn’t wait. He grabs her between the legs, hard. She pushes him off, but he goes for her again, his face twisted up in rejection.

I’m up on my feet heading straight for him before I’ve thought about it. She stops me in my tracks when her fist collides with the man’s jaw with more force than I would have expected. The punch whips his head to the side and he actually stumbles back a step. He holds his face looking shocked for a second then raises his hand to hit her back. I’ve already caught his wrist before his palm makes contact. His furious eyes glare at the hand gripping his wrist. He spots the ring on my pinky and his eyes go wide.

When he finally looks at me, he swallows. “Mr Moretti, I'm sorry, I didn’t realise.” He stammers.

“Are you blind or just completely inept?” I snap. One of the bouncers has already made his way over. I glare at him and he visibly shrinks away from my stare, he's a minute too late. “Drag him out. I don’t want to see him here again.” I spit before releasing his hand and pushing him into the bouncer with force. I turn to face the girl and she’s staring after the bouncer dragging the man away with a very tired, weary expression.

She’s fucking stunning. Her eyes are the sharpest Jade Green, she has a slight Eastern European look about her, thin nose, narrow set cat eyes. She's tall too. Second thing I noticed after her ass when she was bent down in front of my car earlier. To be fair, It's a very nice ass. Way more than a handful, enough to drown in. Hopefully. Now she's in her huge heels. She's only a couple of inches shorter than me.

She pulls her attention to me and rolls her eyes. “Not you.”

I roll my eyes back. “Yeah, me.”

She gives me an annoyed once over. “Are you waiting for a thank you?”

I scoff a laugh. “Hey, I wouldn’t say no.”

She does this sort of sweet soft smile. And I swear her eyes change shape into doe eyes making her look like she’s in desperate need of saving. It has my mouth drying up. Fuck me, she’s good at her job. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” She says softly stepping a little closer. She’s all about the money this one. Makes me wonder why she didn't take the money for her car earlier. Pride?

I stare at her for a second, taking in the relaxed but posed posture, the face that could make people trip over their own feet. It’s the way she holds herself, she’s an actor through and through.

“You good?” I ask, I may not have an interest in women but I do have a baby sister and I had a mother. I don't like to see women hurt. It's a weakness I do actively try to ignore.