Page 49 of The Darkest Nights

“You’re perfect.” He says.




Manhattan, New York City

“Why would you keep this place empty?” She asks as she runs her fingers over the exposed brick in what would be the master bedroom. She’s only in a thong and bra, likewise, I’m in boxers, the remnants of my shirt lying outside on the patio. Her body is ridiculous. Sumptuous curves and olive skin, dark tattoos contrasting the cream lingerie. It's not like it's the first time I've seen her in lingerie but it is the first time I've been able to touch her how I want, the first time she’s for my eyes only and Fuck me was it worth waiting for. It's like a hit of adrenaline knowing how she is now, is just for me.

“I keep it empty because if it wasn’t I’d end up here every night,” I say as I watch her look around the room. I bought this place after seeing a picture of it once. Carmine was looking for an apartment and he showed me the photos saying it wasn’t for him. I saw the rooftop and I don't know why but I just thought of my Ma. That would be a place she would love. I didn’t even think twice. It was mine within an hour. And there’s not a thing I would change about it but it’s strictly just a place to go when I need a moment. It’s not long term nor will it ever be.

She stops in front of the claw foot tub in the corner of the master bedroom and turns to me with a confused expression. “Why would you not live here, look at this.” She motions around her at the exposed brick and the black and white Victorian-era tiles. She spares me a glance over one smooth olive shoulder. “Not that your house isn't beautiful, but this is timeless.”

I stop in front of the windows that face the bay. “I don't fancy living in an apartment with my three brothers and Fran. We’d kill each other.” I knew when I brought it, I was never going to move in. I can’t ever leave them. They’re my responsibility. “Plus this is my private space, I don’t want to share it.”

A smile tugs at her lips as she sidles up beside me. “But you're sharing it with me?”

My eyes settle on her face, committing the features to memory and I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her into me. “I suppose I am.” She smiles sweetly and reaches up to press a soft kiss to my mouth.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you this last week,” I say. Her eyes sparkle. “It's starting to interfere with my work.”

She scoffs, slipping her hands up my chest to rest on my pecs. “You and me both. I can’t seem to pull my thoughts away from you.”

I dip my head down and nip her ear. “Good, keep it like that.” She lets out an adorable soft laugh before a yawn. “Come on, let’s go. You need to sleep.” I pull her hand back to the stairs to grab our clothes.

The moment I push open the door to the rooftop the sound of rain hitting the stone fills my ears. Thunder cracks in the distance and a second later a fork of lightning lights up the whole rooftop.

Casimira’s eyes spark and she turns to me, holding her palms out and tipping her head back with closed eyes to feel the rain on her skin. I stare at her for what feels like a second but could be years. Everything slows with her. She sucks you out of your world and into hers. She’s fucking breathtaking.

The rain becomes heavier and she laughs, black strands sticking to her bare chest and back. Another crack of thunder and she jumps with laughter grabbing both of our clothes and running back towards me. She has to push me inside because my feet won’t move. It’s like I’m stuck in this moment with her. I want to be stuck in this moment. Just her and me and no responsibility. No tomorrow, no wedding, no people counting on me.

But that isn’t my life. I don't get to keep both.

Reluctantly we both get dressed and leave just before the sun starts to rise. Up there is a bubble and when you come back down, reality hits you like a fist to the jaw.

“Are you taking me home?” Cas yawns in the passenger seat. She's soaked. Hair hanging in ropes around her.

“To my home.” I’m not ready to give her back yet, maybe tomorrow.

“Good.” Is all she replies in a sleepy, dream-like voice just as her dark eyelashes start to flutter closed. I look back at the road, my hand rubbing over my mouth. This unfamiliar sticky feeling of guilt crawls through me.

You’re getting married in a month, Enzo.

I don’t do shit like this. I don’t do reckless and irresponsible. I am and always have been the leader, the responsible and logical one but this isn’t logical in the slightest.

She makes me feel free and I haven’t felt that in such a long time, if ever. I like who I am around her. I want to keep her and I know I can’t.

As soon as we arrive, I intend to carry her upstairs but she half opens her eyes and I take her hand to lead her to my room. “The bag. Don't forget the bag!” She flaps a droopy hand towards my car.

“We're in a secure garage, it will be okay,” I assure her, pulling her hand towards the stairs. She nods a few times, eyes heavy.

I didn't buy it to apologise. I bought it because I didn't like the idea that another man bought her a Birkin and I hadn't. I'm not a good loser in general but she is someone I have to win with. I can't be second best to anyone when it comes to her. Wouldn't be able to live with myself. Also, I want to see her walking around with something I bought her.

I’ve never slept in the same bed as a woman. It's not for the reason you would think either. Most of the boys would tell you it's because you're vulnerable when you sleep and lots of people want to kill us, yada yada yada. But that's not it. It just feels too personal, too deep. You are at your most basest self when you're sleeping and to share that with someone feels way too intimate, yet here I am watching her crawl onto my side of the bed and close her eyes and it feels fucking beautiful.