Page 10 of The Darkest Nights

“Well, the offers there. We could go sightseeing. The Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge? “I waggle my eyebrows at him in an attempt to sway him.

He shakes his head. “Nah, if Hannah wanted to see me, she would have invited me.” I know Hannah loves my brother more than she lets on but I think it scares her.

“You know she cares about you, the situation is hard on her.” Her mum is a heroin addict. Hannah grew up in a very abusive household, drugs aren't something she wants to surround herself with.

He rolls his eyes and starts busying himself with filling a glass of water from the tap. “I’m not getting into this with you.” He probably would have done anything for Hannah. He’s never been like this with other girls and there's been a lot of other girls.

I shake my head at him, grabbing my keys from the side. “Fine, anyway I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow.”

He waves a hand at me before pulling his phone out and I head to Toms.

I open up the door to Tom's flat. It's a ground-floor flat, bit of a shit hole when coming from Aleks place but what can you expect? Tom’s an Aries.

“Hey babe,” I call out before walking into his lounge. He's playing Fifa on the Xbox, his dirty blonde hair messy like he's just woken up. I always liked it like that. He pauses the game and swivels around to smile at me with half a joint hanging from his mouth.

He pulls the joint from his mouth placing it in an ashtray as I lean over and kiss him but before I can pull back he pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling him. His hand skims over my back and dips below the waistband of my jeans, his lips moving down my neck.

“What did you want to do for dinner?” I ask. I’m not really in the mood for sex right now. I had a late night last night and if I'm honest all I want to do is eat, have a cuddle and go to sleep.

“You.” He mumbles against my neck.

“I’m tired Tom.” I moan, even though I know he won’t stop going on about it until I give in. He moves his mouth away from my throat and leans back to look at me.

“You're always tired lately.” He pauses, looks at me harder for a moment and cocks a brow. “You fucking someone else?” The haziness in his eyes sharpens. A slight taunting smile appeared on his mouth. I think he likes to argue sometimes.

I push off him with a sigh. “You know I'm not. Look through my phone again if you want.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and toss it on his lap. He takes it but his eyes don't leave my face. They don't soften. He places my phone on the table letting out a sigh.

“No, forget it. Sorry.” He takes my hand and kisses my palm. I soften at the gesture, taking a seat on the sofa opposite him. “Just have a lot on my plate right now, I'm stressed.” He offers, eyes all tired and cute.

I smile at him, relieved this isn't going to be another screaming match. “I know babe, it's okay.”

He relaxes back in his chair and nods his chin at me. Tension gone. “Good day?”

“Yeah. Didn't wake up until three.” I yawn, stretch my arms over my head and settle back into the sofa. “Booked my ticket. I’m leaving on the 20th.”

His eyes sharpen again and he sits up. “What are you talking about?”

Fuck my life. I roll my head back against the headrest. “I told you this Tom.” I groan, pulling my head up to look at him. “We spoke about this. I'm going to see Hannah. For Halloween.”

His face screws up and for a moment I'm unsure if he actually remembers the several conversations we've had about it or if he's just trying one last time to get me not to go. Probably the latter. “For how long?” He asks incredulously.

“Two weeks.”

He shakes his head. “No. You never said you were going for that long. You should have fucking asked me first.” Things with us aren't great at the moment. He's become more controlling and irate about the smallest things. My work is one of those things. even though he knew what I did before we got together but that's the male ego, completely irrational.

I open my mouth to defend myself but he's not done. “And at Halloween? You’ll be out every fucking night, dressed up as a fucking slutty nurse or something.” I begrudgingly settle back into the sofa. He's on the warpath now. He's just working himself up. There's no easing him out of this, it's going to end in a screaming match. I hate how accustomed to this I am.

“And because I’ll be going out that automatically means I'm going to cheat on you?” I ask bluntly. I’m sick of the accusations when I've never done anything to suggest I'm not worthy of his trust.

His eyes pin me to the sofa, voice sharpening. “It's not you I don't trust. It's other men.” That old chestnut again? “On my life, you ain't going.” He finally declares, face hard.

My anger flashes and my jaw sets. “We've been over this. You’re not my keeper. I don't ask you for permission to live my life.”

His body tenses. I'm not easily frightened but Tom’s a big guy and his temper is unpredictable. I still won't back down though, I wasn't raised that way. “Don't do that.” He spits.

“Do what?” I spit back sharper.