Davos gave him a warning look, but then laughed and pulled Blake away and down the hall to their bedroom, with him protesting only a little.

“You need to talk to me, huh? I think I can guess what that’s about.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”


Davos leaned down to nuzzle his ear. “You’re far too suspicious of my motives. It’s simply that we communicate better when we’re lying down and not wearing so many clothes.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Besides, I think you do need to rest a little while, despite all this excitement. Our boys will be here for a nice, long visit, and they’ll want you to rest. I’ve heard all about your accident yesterday. As usual, you tried to do too much.”

“Thank you again for bringing Larz to me. And the rest of my boys too.”

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, but I didn’t quite know how to go about fixing things with Larz. Then I asked myself what Blake would do, and it came to me. I thought to myself, Blake would never give up. No matter what.”

“I can get a little obsessive, I guess.”

From somewhere far away there was the tinkling sound of a bell. Blake smiled and shrugged, looking up at the ceiling. “Okay, maybe a lot obsessive.”

Davos smiled down at him, tilting his head. “Who are you talking to?”

“Just the Christmas angels. They always seem to be hanging around eavesdropping this time of year. Nosy little things.”

Davos swept Blake up in his arms then and carried him to the bed. He quickly divested them both of their clothing and his big hands caught Blake’s hips and settled him beneath him on the sheets. He quickly prepared Blake with sureness of all their years together. Blake sucked in a sharp breath at the sweetness of it even after all that time, as Davos impaled him deeply.

Green and red sparks danced around the room and crackled around them in the ether. They made love for hours, or maybe it was only minutes, as time lost its meaning, until they both plummeted together like fallen stars blazing through the sky, and Blake felt everyone was finally home where they belonged at last.


Excerpt of an entry to Rakkur’s electronic journal

It was a long time later when my father and omak finally came out of their bedroom, but we were all used to that stuff. They had been embarrassing us like that for years.

All of us were there by then. My brother Vannos and his mate, Stefan, had arrived while omak and Father were still in their bedroom. When he came out, omak was so happy all my brothers were home again. He kept saying he thought his heart was going to burst, but like a lot of the stuff he said, it didn’t really happen. When we pointed that out to him, though, he got mad at us. Typical. The servants brought Lycan tea and coffee to the main hall and set up the first-meal buffet there on a long table they brought in specially for the occasion.

While we ate, Tilar began to pass around the presents, and each one of us exclaimed over their gift. Even me, because omak had bought me a nice gift this time and besides, he’d been hurt and it had scared me a little.

I felt bad for Tilar, because his parents were there and had caught up to him at last. His father wanted him to find a husband, and he said he wasn’t ready for that yet. But apparently that didn’t matter, because my father and Mikos, my eldest brother, were after me about it too. I was determined to find my own husband though. One day. And I was pretty sure I could get omak on my side. He thought I was still too young. I didn’t agree with him about the young part, but I wanted to put marriage off as long as I could. It was just a trap I wanted no part of, and I hated the idea of someone telling me what to do.

Anyway, since this was an “Earthan” style Christmas, omak had decided he wanted everyone’s gift to come from Earth, and he’d spent the last few months picking everything out. They were good presents, and I was a little surprised.

For each of us sons, omak got us heavy, gold signet rings that bore the royal family crest. Gold is a big deal on Tygeria, and really expensive, so it was a great gift. All from a place named Tiffany, which was supposed to be some hot shot kind of store that was going to impress us. He got a nice gold necklace for Tilar and the other grandchildren, Mikol and his mate Kalen, and a gold earring studded with sapphires for Rhaegar. For all the other mates, including Ryan and Janos, there were hand forged steel hunting knives with leather sheaths and stag antler handles, to fit inside their boots. They were made by a craftsman on Earth and beautifully designed and carved. I really wanted one of them and I thought about asking omak to buy me one too. I knew he would complain, but he’d still do it. I just had to choose my moment, because he didn’t say no to me too much. Or like, at all.

And for Father, Blake had commissioned a portrait artist on Earth to paint his portrait from a group of communicator images he’d sent him. It looked pretty good, and it made Father totally speechless for once when he saw it.

After everyone had opened their gifts and Blake was sipping warm apple cider—which tasted good, by the way, and gave me a little buzz—he was feeling thoroughly relaxed and tired. The cook came out to announce it was time to eat.

“But we’ve just eaten,” omak protested, like that made any difference at all to my brothers or brothers-in-law. Every one of them got up and hurried in to eat again. I seized that moment to sit beside my omak and put my arm around him.

“This is the best, omak. I love it.”

He kissed my cheek. “Oh baby, I’m so glad.”

“I really love my ring. Thanks for that. I only wish…”

“What, baby?