Faith frowned. “But if you are enemies, why did they let you go? I don’t mean to be insulting, but why did they let you live?”

Tank snorted. “As you know, I only lived because of you. You were taken and we now know why you meant so much to Golubev alive. You’d have made him a fortune. He wanted something else from Brute before you were taken. Golubev is cocky. He’s an asshole and he’s ignorant. He believes he’s the only one powerful enough here, but he’s not. We all defied him by living. Some of us, he did leave for dead, not expecting us to rise. We all have a story to tell, as do you. Golubev will pay for his sins in the end.”

“Are you sure about that?” she asked. “I’ve heard you all talking before, and he seems to find ways of getting out of everything. Doesn’t that scare you?”

He shook his head. “No. One day, I’ll kill him.”

“What did he do to you?” Faith asked. She stopped, opened, and closed her mouth. “I don’t mean … this time, but what sent you on the path to…?” She couldn’t bring herself to finish.

“That is a story for another time. Until then, just relax. Brute will come by.”

She felt an overwhelming sadness sweep over her. “He won’t.” She had a feeling finding out about her pregnancy had sent him away.

He didn’t want to be a father, at least not to her child. She wanted to put her hands on her stomach, but with Tank still in the room, she couldn’t do it.

“It will get better,” Tank said.

Faith didn’t say anything, and seconds later she heard the door close. No, it wouldn’t get better. She knew that. Brute had left her. He was done with her.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she couldn’t help but notice how comfortable it was. What was his intention now? Wait until she gave birth?

She and Brute hadn’t talked about the consequences of her going against her grandfather. Faith knew her life was in danger. He’d tried to have her killed while she was inside the clubhouse grounds. She had no doubt if he could, he’d kill her.

The baby complicated everything.

Faith tried not to cry, but it was next to impossible. The stupid hormones were wreaking havoc with everything.

She had no idea what to do anymore.


Brute took a long draw of the cigarette before throwing it to the ground, stamping out the end, and then blowing out. He did it slowly, methodically, waiting.

Staring down the binoculars, he watched as Golubev climbed off his little yacht. Several men surrounded him, all of them wearing the dove that marked them as his.

There was a time in his life when Brute had loved the dove, he’d been proud of it. Now, he was only interested in taking out everything Golubev held precious.

Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed the number he’d been given and watched Sergey. It rang twice and through the binoculars, he watched as the old man looked irritated at being interrupted.

It had been a long time since Brute had seen a young woman hanging off Sergey’s every word, but the man had caved to young pussy.

“Who is this?” Sergey asked.

“Attempting to keep the accent in place for the cunt beside you?” Brute asked.

Sergey stopped and gave the signal for his men to swarm in close. Brute laughed as the young woman was left out in the cold. Brute was tempted to kill her right now, a bullet straight between the eyes, but there would come a time for that.

“Brute, how did you get this number?”

“Same as I get all things. I take it. You and I, we’ve got some unfinished business.”

“The way I see it, you’ve taken my precious granddaughter and I have taken nothing from you.”

“You killed my whole family. You tried to kill me, but like everything in life, you failed. Faith is alive and well. Not those boys you sent.” He tsked down the line. “You must be losing your touch. Real men don’t want to work for you anymore?”

“You talk about real men but refuse to show yourself. Why don’t you be a man and show yourself?” Sergey spun around, clearly knowing he was being watched.

Brute clicked a button and behind the old man, his precious yacht with Paul Butterworth went up in smoke.

Sergey didn’t have time to make arrangements to improve business with Paul.

He saw the panic that Sergey tried to hide and he smiled.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Sergey asked. “I am going to fucking kill you.”

“No, Golubev, I’m going to kill you. Not today, not tomorrow, but someday soon, you and I are going to have this meet. I am going to destroy everything Golubev, and when I do, I’m going to make you watch your own empire fall. It’s game on. You shouldn’t have come after Faith, and I warn you, if you do, all your associates will end up like Butterworth.”