“She was meant to stay fucking clear of it! I did everything I could to keep her away from him. Away from all of this and you…” Nikki stopped and clenched his jaw. “You had to take her. You had to use her!”

“You know why.”

“Sergey cared that she looked like my sister until she became a teenager. Until she became a woman in her own right. Then, after she passed that age, like with everything else, she became a commodity. Something for him to use at the right time!”

Brute looked at Nikki. “You want me to believe you care about your daughter? A girl you ignored. A woman you were willing to see married off.”

“Do you think I wanted her married off?” Nikki shook his head. “I didn’t love her mother. I thought she was a slut and a piece of work, but Faith … I knew she was different, and like any father would, I did what I could to help protect her, but like always a fucking asshole gets in the way.”

Brute slammed his fist against Nikki’s face, and that was it. He didn’t know exactly what happened, but Nikki hit back.


Faith was out of surgery, but she hadn’t woken up yet.

Brute placed the ice pack against his face. He sat at one end of Faith’s room, Nikki at the other end.

“I’m going to have to get back,” Nikki said.

Road was in the room, keeping an eye on the situation.

The club had torn him and Nikki apart, held them still. He’d been too busy fighting Nikki to see that the doctor had come out.

Faith had lost a lot of blood, but the bullets hadn’t hit any major arteries and they were able to fix the damage. Brute had also learned some news he wasn’t expecting. Faith was pregnant.

He’d not asked her to get on the pill, and he hadn’t used any condoms.

After finding out his daughter was pregnant, Nikki had gotten in another punch. Brute hadn’t retaliated. He was in a state of shock.

Faith was pregnant.

He was going to be a father.

Golubev was going to keep coming.

“I’ve got to kill your father,” he said.

“I know,” Nikki said.

“It has to be at the right time,” Brute said.

“If you take out my dad now, chaos will erupt.”

“You’ll take over.”

“Brute,” Road said. “It doesn’t work that way. Not when you take out the dad, and if Nikki is found to be working with you, they’ll turn on him.”

He couldn’t help it. Brute knew all of this, and he burst out laughing. It was just so fucking funny.

“Shit, do you realize you’re going to have a grandchild and that makes you and me related?”

“I had nothing to do with your family,” Nikki said. “I didn’t make that decision, I tried to stop it.”

“You know, you could join us,” Brute said. “You may as fucking well. We’ve got a bunch of Fallen. It’s all in the title. You’ll fit right in.”

“You can’t kill my dad yet, but there will come a time when you can,” Nikki said, standing up. “And when that time comes, we’ll deal with the consequences.” He looked toward his daughter. “Please take care of her.”

And with that, Nikki left the hospital room.

“If Golubev finds out his son is helping you, he’ll kill him.”

Brute took a deep breath and released it. “Not my problem.”

“He’s your inside man, isn’t he?” Road asked.

“In all honesty, I didn’t have a fucking clue who he was until he requested the meet.” He shrugged. “There are some men and women on the inside. They don’t like Golubev, and I’ve kept contact with them. With him expanding into teenagers as soldiers, his control is slipping.”

“You and I both know that isn’t the case. We were all kids, teenagers. We would have all done whatever it took to work for Golubev, to do as he asked,” Road said, moving to take the empty seat.

The rest of the guys had gone to get some food.

Brute felt a headache coming on. The beeping of the machines was not helping. He felt close to losing his shit again. The doctor had said she was out of the woods, now they were waiting for her to wake up.

Faith didn’t know she was pregnant.

“Do you think she should keep the baby?” Brute asked.

“Do you not want kids?”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“It’s not my question to answer. I’m not the one about to be a father. It’s up to you and whether you think you can take care of Faith and a small child. This is on you, Brute.” Road got to his feet. “You know it’s not going to stop. While every Golubev Bratva lives, our lives will never be easy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t live. The club will always have your back.”

Road patted his shoulder before leaving the room.

Brute didn’t know what he wanted.