“Okay, that’s fair. I ain’t no vampire… I don’t drink blood.” He pauses, and I sigh. “But it would be really good to use as lube, not that I think you would have a problem with being wet. I can smell you from here.”

“That’s insulting.” I pull my seat back and sit down.

“Are you saying I’m wrong? If I walked over there right now and slid my hand up your skirt, I would find nothing?”

“I told you, I’m on my period.”

“Well, we both know that’s a lie. You got your most recent birth control shot two months ago.” I am stunned that he knows this kind of information about me.

“H-how could you—”

“I have my ways. Would you like the dirt on Vanessa too?”

“What? No.” I shake my head. “You can’t just dig into everyone’s lives like that and feel like it’s your right.”

“I had to know who I was marrying,” he informs me. “Or if I had to find you the perfect burial after.”

“You would kill me?” I gasp.

He shrugs. “The possibility is there.”


“What time should I pick you up?” he asks. “For the dinner. Jeff will be expecting me.”

“I don’t want you to come.”

“Seven it is. Be ready.” Kenzo stands, steps around the desk, and leans down into my personal space.

I smell him, and my body betrays me and leans his way.

“Why do you kiss me?” I ask. “You don’t even want me.”

His hand grips my chin, holding it tight, before his thumb lifts and strokes my bottom lip. “I don’t have to like someone to know they have perfect fuck-me lips. Those lips wrapped around my cock, with those devilish eyes staring up at me, would be so good.” He pauses and leans in closer. “I’m hard right now just thinking about it.”

Oh shit! My breathing picks up, and I have to remember that’s not something I want.

“It’s good to dream,” I state, staring him right in the eyes.

His lips part, and I see a small twitch as if he is thinking about laughing, but instead, he releases my face and pulls back.

Without a backward glance, he leaves.

And I stare at his perfect ass in his fitted black trousers as he walks out.

He’s early, but did I expect anything different?

I open the door and cross my arms over my chest. He’s wearing a leather jacket, and a black button-up shirt that exposes a sliver of his chest, which is covered in ink, black jeans, and combat boots.

“I’m not getting on that bike again,” I inform him. “I’ll walk.”

“You’ll be fine.” He moves closer until I have to take a step back or risk coming into contact with his body again. His gaze rakes over me, and I feel exposed.

“What’s changed?” I ask. Those dark eyes come back up to meet mine. “You look at me like you’re hungry.” I tilt my head. “Yet I saw you with another woman not that long ago.”

“I never touched or fucked her,” he states, stepping forward and touching my chin. “But you…” I push his hand away and close the door.

I have yet to put my heels on, as I didn’t realize he would be here so early. Sitting on my couch, I slide the first one on, only to glance up to find him watching me.

“You know I hate blood,” I remind him, sliding the other heel on. I look down as I do the clip-up and then raise my eyes back to him. “So, divorce me.”

He leans against the wall and lifts one hand to his chin as if thinking about it. “No,” he says.


“Because, I hate people.”

“So? What’s that got to do with me?”

“I hate people,” he repeats.

“So?” I ask again.

“I don’t particularly hate you, and I have to work out why.”

Oh, for goodness sake! I give him my best eye roll as I stand.

“I think I know why,” I say, brushing my hand down my red dress. Kenzo’s eyes track the movement. “You’re used to getting what you want.”

He tsks at me. “Not that person. I don’t chase after women. In fact, I don’t fuck women who I just meet. I fuck women who understand my needs. It’s why I go to that club. If I have a need, I fulfill it. Why the fuck would I need to chase a woman for that?”

“Are you telling me you have never dated a woman and then taken her home to fuck her?” I ask, confused. “I mean, even I’ve had a one-night stand.”

“No, I don’t need to do that. I learned about my love for blood early…and then explored that need. I know what I want, so why would I waste my time on anyone else?”

We stand there staring at each other.

Me confused and him trying to work me out, I guess.

My phone dings, breaking our silent stare-off.

“We have to go,” I tell him, noting the time.