“I know,” I gently reply.

“I don’t know how I feel about this,” she admits, taking a cookie from the plate.

“Let’s unpack it,” I suggest.

She scoffs as she chews. “It’s a mindfuck.”

“Yep.” That I will agree with wholeheartedly.

“We’re immortal, Ada,” she acknowledges. “Do you know what that means?”

I nod.

“Have you tested it out?” Madi inquires, eyes wide as she waits.

“Yeah. Unintentionally with Nesta,” I reply. “But you keep eating toxic shit, so you’ve been playing with your life longer than I have.”

Madi chuckles, finishing her cookie before propping her elbows on the table and lacing her fingers together. “All jokes aside, how do you feel about being a goddess?”

“It’s a lot of responsibility, but I don’t hate it.” I circle my fingertip around the rim of my tea cup, making the liquid dance as I contemplate my answer. “I’m learning what balance means. Respecting the cycle of how things grow and change here. I’m a major part of this world now, and I can feel how unbalanced it is. Every part of me wants to repair it, heal it… Whatever it takes.”

“It’s a big world,” she mumbles.

“It’s bigger than we realize,” I divulge. “It’s not just this island, Madi. There’s another civilization on the dark island that has been praying to goddesses that haven’t answered them in several millennia.”

She sighs and leans her head back. “So what do we do?”

“First, you accept who you are,” I tell her, waiting for her to look at me before I continue. “Second… We take on one problem at a time.”

“Nesta?” she asks.

“Yes,” I affirm.

We sit in silence, finishing our teas as we stew in our thoughts. Madigan glares at the tablecloth as if it holds the answers to our problems, but it doesn’t… And just like the ceiling I’ve been staring at, it only mocks us.

Finally Madi looks at me and grins. “Hey, super intrusive thought here—”

“No,” I interrupt. “Just. No.”

“I wonder if we can play roulette with like…” She wobbles her head, dark blue eyes gleaming in the dim light of the dining room. “Bows and arrows or swords or something. Don’t you have a spear?”

I rub my forehead, snippets of my shaft conversation with Talodus and Connak rolling through my mind. “I’m not playing that.”

“Why?” she challenges. “I wonder if we like die and come back… Or if we can just pull the spear out and keep going?”

“I can’t with you right now,” I gripe, standing from the table. “Let’s just go to sleep.”

Madi follows me to the staircase. “I wonder if it’s incapacitating pain, or if it’s like removing a splinter?”

“Jesus, Neptune, and Osiris,” I whisper to myself. “Madigan, are you serious? Of course, it’s going to hurt.”

“Oh yeah?” She raises a questioning brow. “But did Nesta’s fire hurt you?”

“Well, no,” I backtrack.

“Right…” Madi drawls, her grin turning devious. “So when I shoot an arrow at you tomorrow, just remember, you wanted me to talk to Spiran.”

She bounces up the left staircase, and I trudge up the right side to the wing I share with my guys… And I crawl back into bed with Imryll, snuggling into his warmth.