Ecaeris narrows his gaze on our goddess. “Are you intoxicated?”

She swirls the liquid in her glass. “Maybe.”

“Probably,” Madi adds.

“A little,” Ada continues, pointing at Pyris. “It’s his fault.”

“Wow. Really?” The Shade doctor shakes his head. “Thanks, Ada. I’ll remember that.”

“No, he won’t,” Madi whispers. “He’ll forget in a few days.”

Ecaeris glances at Imryll. “What are they drinking?”

The Mongrel doctor holds his hands up. “No idea. I’m just here to oversee the medical—”

“Why?” the Mongrel prince interrupts. “What’s in it?”

“Not the grapefruit in disguise,” Ada interjects. “But I would love one of those, whatever it’s called, but don’t tell me.”

“Grapefruit in disguise?” Lyell mumbles. “What is that?”

“Well, it tastes like a grapefruit, but it’s fuzzy like a peach and hard and green like an apple,” Ada explains.

Madi quickly leans toward her. “Oh. I know those. They’re so good. Can we go get a snack?”

“Connak and Faldron went to get snacks,” Imryll answers, turning the women’s attention to him.

Ecaeris stops beside me, his eyes wide as he grins. “Were they supposed to get drunk?”

“They were supposed to taste test,” Lyell informs the Mongrel prince.

“How many drinks have they had?” he asks.

“They’re on their third,” I reply.

He scratches his jaw as he inquires, “That strong?”

“Toxic,” Lyell responds. “We would die if we drank it.”

Ecaeris watches the women as we flip between maps. Imryll does a decent job of keeping them contained at one end of the room… Until Connak and Faldron walk in with snacks. Thinik is close behind, carrying a pitcher of water and two new glasses.

“Finally.” Madigan groans. “What took you so long?”

Faldron brushes his thumb over her cheek as he casually remarks, “We had to kill it.”

“It’s fruit,” his lover retorts, giving him an unimpressed look.

“Are you sure?” The Shade guard laughs when Madigan swats his hand away from her food.

Ada frowns at the bowl in front of her. “Do not play with me, Faldron.”

“He’s joking,” Connak says, sitting on the arm of her chair. “But it is fresh. There wasn’t any opaidish in the kitchen, so we went and picked some from the garden.”

“That’s so sweet,” Ada murmurs, leaning her head on Connak’s thigh. “What’s opaidish?”

He runs his fingers through her hair, then nudges her to eat. “The fruit, though William calls them cave mangoes.”

“They are nothing like mangoes,” she argues. “That’s a terrible name.”