Do we even have that kind of time before she destroys the Shades?

“We need to talk to William,” I ramble. “I have an idea, but I’m not sure if he can help.”

“Who is William?” Madi inquires. “And why do we need to talk to him?”

“He’s Rinya’s dad,” I tell her. “And because he makes meades and spirits. I’m hoping he can make wine, too.”

“Pyris can,” she says with a shrug. “He’s like a mad scientist without the tech of an Earth lab.”

I stare at her for a moment. “That… doesn’t shock me as much as it should. Do you think he’ll make something for me?”

“What are you thinking?” Madi sings mischievously.

“Help me collect the crab berry fruit.” I gnaw at my lip. “I think we should consider poisoning Nesta. Even if it doesn’t kill her, it might give us an edge if we have to fight her on our own.”

Madi raises a brow at me, flourishing her hand to the right so she can lead me to the crab berry plant. I consider tasting the spitting star flowers to see if we can mix the two, but I think at least one of my guys would have an aneurysm.

I’m going to do it anyway.

We flip the ends of our skirts up and collect the berries in silence, each caught in our thoughts. I watch Madi from my peripheral, and I become more angry with Nesta.

Madigan is clearly the fire goddess, yet she doesn’t believe it. How can that be possible? Did Nesta beat her confidence down so low she doesn’t see how different she is? Or is this left over trauma from Earth?

Either way, the next step for Madigan is crystal clear... Well, for me, it is.

It’s time we talk with Spiran.

But how does one summon a fellow goddess?

Obviously not by pigeon... Though after that, I can’t even begin to guess.




I try to listen as Lyell speaks of maps and transfers and travel… But neither of us are focusing on the task at hand. We attempt to pretend as if we aren’t watching them, though it’s a struggle to look away.

Ada and Madigan lean together, giggling hysterically at the end of the dining table. Pyris rubs at his forehead, his hand positioned so the women can’t see his grin. Imryll glances at me and points at our goddess like he can’t believe what he’s seeing.

I share his sentiments.

Adelaide Stormbrave—our Ada—is drunk.

It’s quite a sight to behold.

Ada’s hazel eyes brim with a light from deep within her, and her cheeks have a pink tint to them that isn’t normally there unless she’s embarrassed. Her laughter floods the room, giving us all a sense of calm.

I love when she’s happy.

“So, I’ve made copies of these to take with us,” Lyell says, pulling me from my thoughts as he waves at the maps. “One for the Shades, and one for us to take to the Dwellers. This one is your’s to travel with, and this one is for the Howlers.”

“He’s so organized,” Madi whispers to Ada, though she isn’t quiet.

I suppose she’s trying.

Ada snorts. “You’re the perfect example of opposites attract. Clean and dirty. Broody and bubbly.”