It’s taken me this long to realize that if I lost them, I would lose my spirit and direction, my compassion and home. Each man means something to me that I’ve only just learned to articulate.
Together they are my sun and moon, my laughter and tears, my joy and sadness. But separate? Well, that’s different.
Talodus is my strength. He’s my rock, holding me steady through growth.
Imryll is my hope. With him, I know new beginnings are always around every turn.
Connak is my reason. He embodies everything that makes me want to lead.
Ecaeris is my faith, proving to me that people can change and find the right path to walk.
Knowing what I know… I can’t help but question Spiran’s ultimate motives. How can she let these men fall into my life and not expect me to ask if they’ll be with me forever?
But more importantly, how can I be the Water Goddess this world needs without the people who make me feel whole?
There has to be more that I can do to keep them with me, keep them out of harm’s reach. I doubt they would appreciate me locking them away in disaster-proof bubbles, though I’m not opposed.
I don’t get much further in my thoughts. I’m completely derailed, blindsided, by an invisible attack.
Thin, sticky string clings to my skin, and every hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I squeal, “Did I just walk through a spider web?”
“Depends on how you’re going to react when you get the answer,” Ecaeris casually replies, peeling threads of silk off my arm.
“The bugs are fine. I mean, I wasn’t expecting to see ants that big…” I trail off, shivering as I glance around. “As long as it’s not spiders, then I’ll be good. Totally fine.” I shake my head. “But no. Are there spiders here?”
Ecaeris snorts. “Yes.”
“No,” Imryll argues, giving the prince an are you stupid look.
“Not right here where we’re at,” Connak explains, pointing at the ground. “And not nearby. Anymore.”
Talodus rubs the top of his head in exasperation. “There are spiders on the island, though.”
“That’s literally all the ways that you could answer my question,” I grumble. “So, where are the spiders?”
“Not here,” Tal assures me, shaking his head.
“I can see that,” I quip, readjusting the satchel on my back.
Connak smiles sweetly, as if he’s trying to make me feel better about this situation. “Just around the Howlers border. They pretty much stick to one area.”
“And in their village,” Ecaeris mutters.
Imryll glares at the prince. “You really don’t know when to be quiet, do you?”
“If I see a spider…” I shudder just thinking about it. “I will expire. You have to tell me before we get to wherever they are.”
“Mongrels territory is too wet for most of them,” Connak tells me, sweeping his hands around us. “And that’s where we are—”
“But we’ll probably see some tomorrow,” Ecaeris cuts in.
I lean forward, turning my head like that will help me clarify what he just said. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Tomorrow,” he repeats.
“Imy, I need a rock,” I say quickly. “Get one out of my satchel.”
“You packed rocks?” Imryll inquires. “Never mind. Of course, you did.”