Madi grunts at me. “I wasn’t ready. Next time, warn me.”

She eases closer to the treeline, leaning over to peer between the low-hanging branches and undergrowth. But I spy the intruder before she does. The streak of burnt orange races from the treeline to the boulder, working its way behind Madi.

“I don’t think it’s there anymore,” I quietly acknowledge.

“I heard it.”

“I see it.”

Madigan spins on her heel and stops when she comes face-to-face with the little copper fox.

Little may be an understatement. It looks like a pup, but it’s the size of a Golden Retriever, which is huge by Earth adult fox standards.

“I’ve never seen a fox here,” she murmurs to herself. “Where did you come from?”

It creeps forward, its tail in the air as it curiously observes us.

“That’s a long way to travel all by yourself,” Madi says quietly.

I smile as Indigo wraps her tentacle around my leg. She clicks quietly, as if not to scare the fox. Her emotions feel soothing and patient. And what I misunderstood of her clicks a moment ago finally sinks in.

“Whose fox is that, Madi?” I ask. “I don't believe they’re native here.”

“She’s…” Madigan pauses, tilting her head as she reaches for the creature. It touches its nose to her palm, then steps in to nuzzle. “She’s mine. But I don’t know why she’s just now found me.”

“Let’s go talk to Isolde,” I suggest. “I’ll be back to see you soon, Indigo.”

* * *

Isolde meets us at the gate to her garden, though it isn’t intentional. She’s trying to leave. She greets us with a smile, but I can tell she’s trying to get to some other task on her schedule.

“Ladies,” she purrs. “What brings you to the garden?”

“You,” Madi blurts, pointing at the fox at her feet. “What is this?”

“Is this your familiar, Madi?” Isolde asks.

“That’s what we’re wondering,” I mention. “She found Madi on the beach after a freakout over Indigo. And she’s been attached to her hip ever since.”

“And you can hear her?” Isolde inquires.

Madi nods. “It’s tripping me out.”

“Indigo can, too.”

Isolde breezes past us, through the gate. “Then she must be yours.”

“That’s it?” Madi shouts at the retreating queen’s back. “What do I do with her?”

The fox bolts through the gate before it closes, leaving us no choice but to follow. I secure the latch behind me as Madigan ventures forward into Isolde’s garden of wonders.

It’s a beautiful place to spend the rest of the day, anyway.

“What’s her name, Madi?”

She rolls her eyes. “How the fuck should I know?”

“Uhm, ask her,” I snark.