The others were much more devastating.
The fact that she stands here, looking prim but pissy, tells me more about her than she would like. Nesta can’t find Madigan, so she’s turning her bully tactics toward Isolde… Only Isolde won’t be coming today.
“Welcome to the Mongrel territory, Nesta,” I greet, my voice dripping with fake pleasantries. “What business brings you to our tribe?”
“I’ve come to speak with Isolde,” she claims. “And I was told her son would escort her here.”
“I said he would escort the queen,” Talodus tells me. “I gave her no other insinuation.”
I nod, smile still firmly in place. “I understand the confusion you must be feeling; however, Isolde is busy. She isn’t coming. I’m the new Mongrel queen. You can speak directly to me.”
Nesta’s brow raises in surprise, her left cheek twitching. “That’s adorable. You’re a child playing a role you can’t possibly fulfill. Spiran has persuaded you that you have a purpose here, and that may be the case, but it isn’t to rule.”
“That’s a very kind observation of you to make. I may appear young, but I can assure you I’m no child.” I clasp my hands in front of me, channeling Isolde. “Is there something I can help you with?”
“I seek favor with Isolde,” she declares.
I give her my more innocent expression as I ask, “Is this about the errant Shades who came into our territory unannounced?”
“No,” she grinds through clenched teeth. “I have been—”
“Very specific about who you want to speak with,” I interrupt. “Yes. I heard you. Isolde knows where you are, but it’s no longer her place to speak on behalf of the Mongrels. It’s mine. Whatever business you have here can be discussed with me.”
“You expect me to believe she’s already given control to you so soon after your arrival?” Nesta laughs humorlessly. “I feel as if you think me stupid, child.”
I shrug a single shoulder, feigning a lack of interest. “You’re going to feel how you feel, but don’t let what you think you know mislead you.”
“I know you’re not the Mongrel queen yet. You haven’t the power or knowledge to step into Isolde’s shoes so soon.” Nesta turns to Ecaeris. “Where is Isolde?”
I hold up my hand to silence him and pray he takes the hint. “I imagine she’s probably having a stress-free breakfast at the current moment. But as she no longer has royal duties to attend to, I’m sure she would rather relax than deal with your problems. So, your visit falls upon my shoulders.”
“While Isolde may trust you to handle menial and uncomplicated tasks, I’m sure this wasn’t what she had in mind when she sent you to cover her duties,” Nesta explains, her tone condescending. “Had she known I was coming, you wouldn’t be here.”
“Why are you here?” I inquire curiously. “Do you need help with something?”
“Not from you,” she snaps. Then she takes a deep breath and straightens the sleeves of her blouse. “I won’t lower myself to speak with a child over royal matters which should be discussed between said royals in private. The only person with the knowledge I need is a queen. Yours, to be exact.”
“You are a queen, too, are you not?” I narrow my eyes and smirk. “The only reason I can gather from this visit is you’ve lost control of your people and need the Mongrels’ assistance to gain order amidst chaos.”
“Ada,” Ecaeris whispers quietly from behind me, shifting closer to my back.
I don’t need to see him to feel the worry rolling off him in massive waves. I can’t exactly explain to him I’m purposefully poking the bear, either. And while I wish I could reassure him, even just a quick touch, to let him know I have a plan… I would be lying.
It’s not that I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s just one of those situations I’ll have to play by ear. Isolde and I have discussed this very scenario. Nesta isn’t completely unpredictable, but she’s also not an open book.
“I’ve been ruling the Shades for over a thousand years,” she snarls, losing her temper and radiating heat. “How dare you think me too weak to control my people. Has Isolde taught you nothing of our history? Nothing of who I am?”
This reaction is what we were hoping for…
I just have to poke her a little more.
“Now, now,” I patronize, holding my hands up as if placating her. “We’re a peaceful village. I don’t take kindly to your unwarranted attitude. You can see yourself home until you compose your temper.”
Nesta’s jaw ticks as she takes another deep breath. “We’ve clearly gotten off on the wrong foot. I’m not an enemy here.”
Well… She is. But I won’t explain the definition of an enemy to her.
I have another plan, now.