Even Quin’s banter has grown on me, though he’s not mine.

Telling them the truth could save their life or make them a bigger target. If I keep lying to them, though…

My shoulders droop as I sigh. When I open my eyes, they can see the resolve shining in my whiskey depths.

“I have a… job… within the Maldonado cartel.”

“You’re part of the cartel?” Kane asks slowly.

“I am.”

I’ll tell him the worst first. If he can take that, then he can handle my name. I think… After the way Ezra took the news, I’m not really sure what to expect from Kane.

“What’s the job?” he inquires.

“I’ve been doing it since I was fourteen, but I quickly grew in popularity among a few criminal organizations,” I explain. “It’s why I’m late to meet you guys sometimes. Occasionally, I take jobs, but I’m much more picky now that I’m taking over the family business. I can’t always let the two collide.”

“You’re stalling,” Riot gently accuses. “Just tell them, then you can explain if you feel the need.”

I nod and blurt, “I’m the Ghost.”

Because finesse is oh-so important in such a delicate situation.

“You?” Kane asks, pointing his finger at me.


“Who’s the Ghost?” Quin inquires.

Riley scrubs his hand over his face in exasperation. “Jasper is.”

“Jasper?” Kane repeats.

I glare at Riley, and he grimaces.

Kane narrows his eyes. “You’re Jasper Maldonado and the Ghost?”


“How?” he asks. “Those are multiple people, not one.”

I squint at him. “The documents are forgeries. You think Jasper is a man, but that’s incorrect. I am Jasper Maldonado. I’m the Ghost. Gemma Smith is an alias that I’ve used all my life. I didn’t even know my real name until I was eight.”

“I don’t—I don’t know what to say.” Kane shakes his head, staring at me. “People were here to kill us, and now they’re dead in the fucking driveway… And you just… What? Think this is the perfect time to tell us the truth? But no. How long has Riley known?”

“Juan used you all as blackmail. I issued a threat to my grandfather yesterday, and they came after you because of me. So, yes. Today was the right day to tell you the truth. Telling you sooner wouldn’t have changed that outcome.”

“Sorry,” Quin cuts in, waving his hand. “What’s the Ghost? Why is this so important?”

Riot scrubs at his face more aggressively than before, but Ezra answers for me. “You remember when Mom had her business partner taken care of last year? He was laundering money from the charities and trying to sell her portion out from under her.”

“Yeah,” Quin replies. “It was sketchy, but I remember.”

“That was Jasper,” Ezra tells him.

Quin scrunches his face for a moment, too shocked or exhausted to keep up. Or maybe he’s just that dense. I can’t decide.

“How do you know that?”