“I’ve already called the police,” Lory cuts him off. “Someone is on their way to pick up the bodies.”

Riley nods toward the door. “Can we go inside before the neighbors get curious and catch us all casually standing around?”

“What is it with you and people trying to kill you?” Kane inquires, his brows creased as he looks me over.

“They weren’t here for me,” I tell him. “They were here for you and Riley because of me. Lory and I came to stop them.”

It only takes minutes, but soon, the guys are in an uproar. Each of them bitches about something different, though they all congregate in the partially destroyed living room to do it.

I only feel relief over Juan’s death.

I mean, everything is a mess, but it could have been so much worse than it is.

I’m not sure if they know it yet, but they’ve just survived the first Mal-on-Mal attack in the new war I started yesterday. It’s time to end decades of disputes, but to do that, I need to change the ancient rules the Maldonado brothers set.

“Did that turn out the way you were expecting when you spoke to Senior?” Lory asks me.

“No,” I quietly admit. “I didn’t realize Juan had already taken the pictures to him. But I’m glad he’s out of the way now. It will be easier to plan from within the compound.”

“You need more free time for that,” he points out. “We’ve got to start at the foundation and work our way up to Estrada.”

Riot clears his throat. “What if you didn’t need to schedule your—”

“Her dick appointments,” Quin supplies.

Ezra glares at him. “Yes, Quin. Thank you. Now go away.”

“What if we were all in the same place?” Kane asks me, gesturing between the guys and himself. “If we could help keep you safe?”

“Maybe wait until she puts the gun down, Kane?” Riot smirks at me when I look down at my hands.

“Just hear me out, okay?” Kane continues, imploring me with his vibrant green eyes. “What if we didn’t mind sharing you with each other?”

I nod my head, flicking the safety of my gun back on and setting it on the coffee table.

“You love Lory, Kane, and me,” Riley claims, shrugging when I narrow my eyes at him. “For some reason, you seem to really like Ezra. And you and Quin haven’t killed each other yet. We hate lying about you, Gem. And we…”

“Want more than we have with you,” Ezra fills in when his cousin trails off.

“Speak for yourself,” Quin tells them.

I shake my head, a sad smile playing across my lips. “It’s dangerous. I’m dangerous.” I point to my chest, trying to find the right words. “You’ve seen it firsthand. I don’t—I have to keep this distance between us or—”

“Just tell them, Gem.” Riley ambles over to me, taking my hands in his as he whispers, “Kane is still going to tell you the same thing, regardless of his job. Quin might be a little shocked, but he’ll get over it quicker than you expect. Your secrets won’t change their minds.”

“Don’t,” Lory snaps at both of us. “Why would you risk it after that?”

I close my eyes while I try to sort through my thoughts.

Can I tell them?

I shouldn’t, but I still want to.

Need to.

The worst that can happen isn’t my arrest or jail… It’s them turning around and walking out of my life.

That would be agonizing.