“What’s happening?” he asks, though I hear him moving through his room.

Lory parks sideways, blocking the stairs and front door of the Copeland Estate with the Merc. We jump out, but don’t move farther than the shield of the bomb proof car.

“Juan is coming,” I explain. “He’s coming to—He’s here.”

A black Mercedes slowly turns into the drive, creeping forward at a snail’s pace. Two more follow, and I start adding the numbers in my head.

There’s likely a minimum of four people in each car. Ten bullets in my gun, and at most, fifteen in Lory’s... It’s doable.

The front door opens, and Riley steps out in jeans, no shirt or shoes, a gun in each hand. I don’t immediately recognize which brand he has, so I don’t even try to add his bullet count into the mix.

The most important part is that we have more bullets than men to kill.

“Why are they here, Jasper?” Riot murmurs.

“They’re after you and Kane.”

Lory turns his head without taking his eyes off the idling cars. “She declared war against her grandfather yesterday.”

Riley grins at Lorenzo. “So he sent Juan? Really?”

“First move is done,” I whisper, mostly to myself. “Second move. Kill Juan. Take the compound.”

“Solid plan,” Riot tells me. “When are you going to have time to fight Senior?”


Two men exit the first car, leaving the front doors wide open. I don’t know them, so I’m going to say they aren’t Mal crew. Juan climbs out of the back seat, adjusting his suit jacket before casually leaning over the top of the door.

He smirks. “I knew you were watching me.”

“No, you didn’t. You suspected,” I point out. “There’s a difference. Why are you here?”

“Ed has ordered me to kill your toys. And you, if you stand in the way,” he explains, a joyous expression crinkling the skin around his eyes. “So, thank you. You’re making this so much easier for me.”

“You won’t succeed,” I warn. “The reaper will come. He’ll take you last, after you watch all these men die at your request.”

“I will. Ed made this too simple,” Juan gloats. “Once you two are gone, all I have to do is issue hits for the two Maldonados trapped in cells. He’s so arrogant that he can’t see any of the duplicity in front of him. From either of us.”

I cut my gaze to Lory. He nods, the movement imperceptible to anyone who isn’t right beside him.

“Leave, Juan,” Lory orders. “This is the only chance I’m giving you.”

I hope he leaves. He’ll be dead before he makes it back to the compound. But I keep that inside my head, because saying it aloud won’t help us.

“You have no authority, Lorenzo.” Juan snaps his fingers, and the rest of the car doors open. “You’re a charity case to help breed a new heir, and you’ve both failed at that.”

Riley bumps my lower back with the muzzle of his pistol.

Right... Kane, Ezra, and Quin are inside. We need to wrap this up.

“You gonna stand here with your dick in your hand?” I taunt. “Or did you come here to do something?”

“Kill them,” Juan commands. “Kill them all.”

Lory grins as the first bullet whizzes by us, flying through the glass of the front door. He loves a good gun fight, so this has become his element.

I do not love the unpredictability of a shootout. It’s sloppy, unorganized, and lasts too long. Normally… The last time I was in one, Riot and Lory weren’t with me.