“What?” he groans.

“Where is Riley?”

“Somewhere,” he mutters.

I want to scream at him, but I channel all the patience I possess. “Please, get him.”

“You call him.”

“I did,” I snap. “I called Kane and Ezra, too. No one is answering, and I need to talk to someone now.”

Quin sighs. “What do you need?”


“God dammit,” he mumbles. “Why me?”

I grind my teeth. “I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t serious. Please, for the love of God, Quin, give someone the phone.”

“Easy,” he says.


“Wake the fuck up, Easy,” he whines. “Gemma is freaking out, and I don’t know how to deal with that kind of crazy.”

I swear, one of these days, I’m going to stab him, but for now I mutter, “I’m going to let that slide.”

“What?” Ezra asks. “Gemma?”

“Take the phone. It’s urgent,” Quin mocks.

There’s a scuffle, and someone grunts before I hear Ezra’s groggy voice.

“What’s wrong, Gem? It’s like... Seven in the morning.”

“Funny thing about time,” I muse. “Death waits for no one.”

“Okay,” he sleepily drawls.

“Wake up, Ezra,” I shout. “My issue is on its way to your house. I can’t get in touch with Riley or Kane.”

My heart beats double-time, pounding in my ears. I’m waiting to hear the sounds of gunfire and destruction in the background.

“I’m up. I’m going to get him,” he tells me. “What issue?”


“What?” Ezra suddenly sounds much more awake than before. “Now?”

“Yeah,” I grumble, feeling shitty about them becoming targets instead of me. “I’m four minutes away. Wake up Riley. I’ll keep calling him.”

I hang up, heart leaping into my throat as we enter the gigantic neighborhood. I call Riley a dozen more times, and he finally answers as we pull into their driveway.


Thank God.

“Grab a gun,” I instruct. “Meet me outside.”