
I snort. “I have many methods—”

“Not how you killed them,” he clarifies. “But how you killed them all?”

“Well, that’s the same thing,” I confirm. “I know what you’re asking, though. It’s like… You remember when we went to tour the college?”


“I didn’t go on the full tour. When our groups split up, I left for a quick job. Then I came back and met you as the tour finished.”

He nods along as he thinks through my reasoning. “And you never correct anyone because they all think you’re training under the Ghost and have his ear.”

“Right,” I acquiesce. “But I trained under the Nightmare. Dad taught me everything, including how to play Senior and the advisors when it came to the Ghost. Can you imagine what he would have made me do if he would have known?”

“I’d rather not.”

I huff at his answer and tuck myself against him. “I think about it every day.”

My cell phone rings, and I groan at the distraction, rolling over to grab it. Lettie flashes on my screen, causing me to sit straight up. Tico never calls this early.

“Gem,” he whispers before I can speak. “I heard something. I’ve only got a second.”

“I’m here.”

“Esteban was on the phone with someone,” he rushes to explain. “They’re planning to kill your boyfriend. I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”

I scramble out of the bed and snatch a pair of tights from a shopping bag. “Did they say a name?”

“No,” he mumbles. “Just the guy with tattoos first.”

Lory jumps up and puts his jeans on, though he can only hear my side of the conversation.

“Yeah, that narrows it down,” I gripe as I hunt for a shirt. “Thanks, Tico.”

“You don’t understand,” he quietly snaps. “They’re getting ready to leave now. They’re going to his house.”

“I’ve got it,” I promise him. “I’m dressed and on my way. Thank you.”

He hangs up quickly, and I worry he’s gotten into some kind of trouble in the Estrada compound. I’ll call and check on him in an hour or two. Tico is a big boy. If he can handle himself with Preston Whitley, then he can smooth talk some goons.

“Who is Tico?” Lory asks, sliding his shoes on. “And what did he say?”

“Informant,” I answer, grabbing my gun from beneath yesterday’s jacket. “Estrada is going after one of my guys. Someone with tattoos? That could be any of you. But we’re here, and they’re all clustered together in the same place. Are you staying or coming?”

“I’m driving,” he tells me, opening the door for us to leave. “You wake them up.”

Lory drives like a maniac. Normally I would complain, but not right now. I’m too focused on my phone, glaring at the screen like that will make Riley answer.

It doesn’t.

I get Kane’s voicemail too, though I hope that’s because he’s in the shower.

Ezra doesn’t pick up either, and I think about hitting something, but that won’t help me now.

I take a steadying breath as I dial the last resort.

Naturally, Quin answers on the first ring.