Page 27 of Uncivilized

It was Wolf who answered me. “Leave Panther. He was struck, but yes, he’ll probably get better on his own. Something else happened with Grey. Something blew up around him before he got struck.”

Panther moaned but Grey was silent. I ran over to Grey. I really wasn’t a doctor, but with no other choice, I tried to assess his injuries. There was blood, wet and sticky against my hand. Where was it coming from? I…

The door flew open again, causing Wolf and Gunnar to jump forward.

“Stop.” It was the man from the storm, the lightning man. He held up his hand. “Take another step, and I will fry her just enough to knock her out. I’ll fry all of you to get to her, and there won’t be anything you can do to stop me. Get in my way, I fry you, and then I fry her. I don’t have anything to lose, so don’t test me.”

They both stopped moving. He’d spoken so people not here would hear it, which meant that everyone else had to be somehow detained or hurt. I looked at Gunnar, but his attention was solely focused on Lightning Man.

I stood up straighter, standing between him and my patient. “What do you want from me?”

“You are going to come with me right now.”

I was absolutely not going anywhere with him. “No.”

“Now.” He raised his hand and with precision, like he was slicing into a piece of meat, he zapped every conscious person in the room all at once except for me. I cried out, but when I would’ve rushed forward, the intensity of the other blasts knocked me on my rear end. My body buzzed, the feeling—now familiar—still agonizing. I stroked my hand over my chest as he hauled me off the floor and dragged me with him. “You’re coming with me.”

I wrenched out of his grasp just long enough to see Gunnar out cold before I was dragged away, nearly stumbling several times.

“What do you want with me?”

His silence was my only answer.

* * *

We walked until I couldn’t anymore, and then he carried me. It was a day and a half before we finally came to a cabin. The landscape changed so many times, I couldn’t keep up with it anymore. Desert. Forest. Hills. Mountains. Plains. We charged through it all. I passed out, woke up, and he let me get down long enough to relieve myself a few times.

Then we went back to it.

The cabin was old, rustic, and had seen better days, but I suspected that could be said about me at the moment if I looked in the mirror. It hadn’t rained on me since we’d left the town, which made me wonder how much of the weather had been the man’s fault.

I didn’t know his name, which was fine by me. As far as I was concerned, while I had known a lot of bad men in my life, this one ranked highest on my hate list.

Of course, my hate list was just created in the last few minutes. I needed to start adding people to it. Like Clarke.

“Help,” a woman called out from somewhere in the cabin. “Someone, please, help me.”

Her voice rang out, and I wanted to help her. When I struggled, the asshat carrying me didn’t put up a fight. In fact, he all but threw me down onto the hard ground. I stumbled but righted myself, despite my wobbly legs. I ran inside, fast.

I figured Lightning Asshole must have brought me there to help the woman, as it seemed the only logical reason why he’d want me, specifically.

Opening the door, I made it inside before I stopped abruptly to take in the cabin. Heavy with pregnancy, likely full term, a woman lay chained to the fireplace by her wrists. I found the source of the cries, at least.

“Hello.” It seemed a stupid thing to say, but I didn’t know what else to do.

She lifted her tear-soaked face, shaking her head before it drooped. “Oh no. He got you. I’m so sorry.”

I swung around. The man who’d brought me there stood behind me, but I decided to ignore him, turning back to her. “What happened to you? Did he do this to you?” I rushed to her and began to struggle with her restraints.

She stared past me at the man behind me. “He’s evil. You need to get away before he does this to you, too.”

“Help. Her.” Lightning Man growled before unhooking her wrists in a single motion. She flinched at his touch, but I was glad she was finally free. She collapsed into my arms before she cried out, a low moan of pain.

I swallowed. “Your wrists?”

With no handle yet on what exactly was going on, I struggled to keep up second by second. Lightning Man ran out of the cabin, leaving us alone.

“They hurt,” she panted. “But I went into labor this morning. That’s what really hurts.”