Page 68 of Uncivilized

“I know. I watched them do it to you. You had the asshole who was there while I was still learning. Before he locked up Jack, and I had to do what they wanted, I used to say no.”

I pointed at the area. “So how is that possible?”

“No one operated on you?” She shook her head. “Of course not. Did you get in a med machine that fixed it?”

I shook my head. “I got in one with burned hands, but that shouldn’t have fixed my sterilization.”

She walked over to one of the med machines, tapping it with her fingers to open a panel. “This is the one that guy Net owned. Your Mace gave it to me, so I had another med machine, but it’s an odd machine. He had all kinds of settings.” Lydia read something out of the panel then turned to me. “He was obviously very focused on fertility. Yes, any females who got in this machine would have their sterilization reversed, which is why you, Raven, are pregnant.”

I sat down, my face hot and my mind spinning. Okay. This was happening. I never thought I could be a mother. It hadn’t been on my radar. It was good news, just so wholly unexpected. “How far along am I?”

“Just two weeks. Even these guys can’t hear it yet, only the machine could pick up on it.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Do you not want a baby?” She knelt down in front of me, her eyes kind.

“I do. I’m just…”

She waited a second before she suggested, “You’re just dealing with an understandable amount of shock?”

“Yes. I guess. So, right, my tattoos will wait.” They almost seemed a silly concern, in light of the new developments.

“No,” she jumped off. “I can still take them off. It’ll just take longer. I have a device. Stay right there.” She looked over her shoulder, squinting at me. “It might burn a little.”

Great. But I nodded and she headed to get the device.

Pregnant? What kind of mother would I possibly be?

* * *

All four of my guys waited in the living room for me. They stared at the door. Jack looked at all of them and then at me. “They let me show them my comic.”

“That’s really nice of them.” It was. Seriously, so I teared up. I might be a crap mother, but they would kill at the dad thing.

Ransom pointed at me. “You said you were all right. You…got your tattoos off.”

I rubbed the spots. She’d underplayed how sore I would be from the procedure, but it was worth it. “Yes.”

“Jack,” Lydia called him. “Come on, let’s go eat dinner so you can get to bed.”

“Okay.” He jumped up. “See you guys later.” They left together, going to the rooms they were staying in at one of the houses nearby. The locals were so happy to have a doctor they’d offered her a choice of homes to live in, but she’d told me what she really wanted, once it could be done, was to live upstairs from the med office. Wolf was working on that. He did like to build her things.

“So. ” I sat down on the couch next to Crew. “ That took a lot longer than we thought it would, because I’m pregnant.”

There, I just said it. They all started talking, but the bottom line was they were thrilled. I blinked. They were happy about it. Confused, but elated. I grinned, some of my anxiety fleeing in the wake of their joy. If they could think it was a good thing, then maybe it would be. Maybe it could be.

They were, after all, the bringers of dreams. Even ones I hadn’t known I had.

* * *

One week later…

“They’ll both be able to hear you soon. Amias first, obviously.” Lydia wore her white coat and spoke in her doctor voice as we stared at my brother and Amias. They both lay out cold, on tables in her med bay. “I waited to wake Amias later, so he’d wake up at the same time as Stone. I thought that might help them both adjust.”

It was good thinking. I took Mace and Crew’s hands as they stood next to me. I knew the moment had equal weight to them, as Amias was their brother like Stone was mine.

His eyes started to open, and he groaned. Crew dropped my hand to place a hand on Amias’ shoulder. “Easy, brother. You’ve had a time.”