We walk around each picture. I want to explain what they are all about, but he already knows.

“They are us, aren’t they?” Gianni smiles at me causing a tide of warmth to engulf my being.


“I can see the Ponte Vecchio where we met. And there, there is the duomo. And the river. And there is the Piazza di Medici. It’s all here. And the hills with the Cypress trees. Wonderful. It is really wonderful.”

“You are the only person I want to hear that from. I painted them straight from my heart to yours.”

“I can see that.”

I desperately want to kiss Gianni, but we are interrupted by an enthusiastic couple who say they are friends of Gloria. Gianni kisses me on the cheek, then takes the empty glass from my hand.

“I’ll get you a refill,” he says smiling as he turns and walks away. Guilt engulfs me. I want to grab him and tell him about the painting, but not now. Now is not the time.

Chapter 35


IwanttograbLibby and take her away, but this is her night and it’s so great to be here and see her shine. She is the angel I remember, so full of life and laughter. She owns the room. And everyone loves her. Look how people are around her. She is gorgeous. I don’t want to let her out of my sight, ever.

Luisa wanted to come, but I said that this was an evening for grown-ups only. I’ll bring her tomorrow. The exhibition is on for a few days more, so there is time. And perhaps I can convince Libby to come too. That would be nice.

I feel this is the start of something. A new beginning for Libby and me. I’ve waited too long. I believed that I had missed out on The One years ago. And when I found her again, it was a second chance I wasn’t going to lose out on.

Henry comes over to say hi as I refill Libby’s Champagne.

“This is quite a turnout,” he says looking around at the people who are arriving through the door and filling up the converted warehouse. “Did you know Olivia was such a talented artist?”

“Yes. Yes, I did.” I say smiling. Then I excuse myself and return to stand beside Libby. I give her the glass of bubbly wine and, without wanting to disturb her conversation, I gently reach for her hand. Her fingers curl around mine filling me with warmth and contented happiness.

“And this must be Mr Moretti?” a young man asks. I look down at Libby who smiles up at me. We both nod. He’s a journalist, I think. “Didn’t you work together at the Mayfair & Lewis gallery? Is that where you met?”

“Actually, no. We met before… It’s a bit of a fairytale,” Libby says looking into my eyes before turning her attention back to the young man. “And maybe now isn’t the time for that story…”

The space fills with people who all want to know about Libby and her work. Photographers click cameras and YouTube influencers sashay around in front of the art pieces talking into their phones. Red sticky dots have been placed next to the sold paintings and drawings. There is a happy mix of music, chat, and laughter. Mrs Peabody seems to know everyone and is in her element.

Later, I whisper into Libby’s ear, aware that the evening is coming to an end, “When can I steal you?” People are beginning to leave.

Libby turns to me. “I think I’m ready to go now,” she whispers back. “I’ll just say goodbye to Gloria.”

Libby takes my hand, and we find Mrs Peabody beside one of the larger paintings. She is holding court like an empress. Libby sidles in and says something quietly. Mrs Peabody nods in my direction, then continues her conversation with her attentive assembly.

“Are you sure you want to leave your party?”

“Yes. It’s time. And I don’t want to be the last one here. Mrs Peabody has everything so well organized, it’s as if it doesn’t matter if the artist is here or not.” She squeezes my hand, and we walk together to the exit, saying goodbye to people as we go. Finally, we are in the stairwell which resounds with noise from the exhibition above and our footsteps on the concrete stairs. I lead Libby to my car which is parked a short distance away down the street.

“Is this your car?” Libby asks when we arrive at the yellow Lamborghini.

“No. I hired her.” I unlock the sleek low vehicle and hold the door open as Libby gets in. “Just for the night. I wanted to drive an Italian car. There’s too much traffic in the daytime to enjoy the ride, but nighttime we can.”

The Lamborghini’s highly tuned engine sparks into life and I pull away from the curb. I flick a look at Libby in the passenger seat. Her eyes are shining. She is the angel of my dreams. It’s wonderful to be alone with her. Soon we’re out on the expressway. I don’t have a destination in mind I just want to drive a beautiful car with this beautiful woman.

“Where are we going?” Libby asks.

“Anywhere you want.” I turn to her and smile. “The night is yours.”

“I’m happy just driving around with you in this cool car.” Could she be any more perfect? I want to kiss her.