But as I’m walking down the street in the foggy evening, silver and gold lights twinkling on the shop windows, the only thing that still feels off are those parting words from Henry.
I really need to let them go.
But they keep replaying. Like my head’s stuck on a loop of the last thing my ex said to me.
Maybe I do just need to tell somebody. If I blurt it out, perhaps I can finally let it go.
The second I walk into the quirky gift shop, Effing Stuff, I spot what I want on a shelf by the counter.Boom.“That one,” I say to my friend Hayes as I point to the snow globe I’m going to snag. Like I can pass up this bad boy. Under the globe, there’s a squirrel spinning on its tail in front of a tree.
Hayes shakes his head, snort laughing. “That’s what you’re getting Katie for the spiked-hot-cocoa party? AKA the get-drunk-and-make-out-under-the-mistletoe-and-blame-the-whiskey party?”
I park my hands on my hips and give him a look. “One, I’m not even going to address that last remark. But two, yes,” I say emphatically. “She’ll love it.”
“Because she’s a squirrel?”
I smack my teammate on the shoulder. “Keep up with me. She likes snow globes, she likes animals, and she likes quirky things. And I need a gift for her.”
“All right. Fair enough,” my friend says. I’ve known him for a couple years, since he’s kind of a mentor type. I was recently called up from the minors and have been playing in the pros for two seasons. I’ve had a good run so far, and he’s been looking out for me. But teammate time ends shortly when I meet up with Katie.
I grab the snow globe and plunk it down on the counter, then say hello to the woman working the register.
As she rings it up, Hayes studies me curiously. “Why now? Why are you giving my wife’s sister a gift tonight?” He asks, since he’s married to Katie’s sister Ivy.
“Because your wife’s sister is also my friend,” I point out. “And can’t a guy just give a gal a present at the most wonderful time of the year?”
Hayes rolls his eyes. “I suspect you have ulterior motives.”
“What kind?” I ask, meeting his gaze head-on.
He smiles like he was just granted access to every team’s video review room in the league. “Oh, gee, like maybe you’re hoping this snow globe will help you tell her that you’ve been secretly in love with her your whole life?”
I scoff. “No. Dude. Seriously, I just want to thank her in advance for helping me out tomorrow. I’m going to ask her to go to this whole lighting festival thing that the team’s publicist asked me to do on behalf of Little Friends,” I explain. “I’m asking her as my friend.”
But the truth is she’s a sexy, feisty, smart friend who I can’t stop thinking about.
“So it’s a fluff gift for your publicity request,” Hayes says as I finish the transaction. After I thank the clerk, we head out of the store into the chilly night.
I stop to consider his assessment. “I think of it more like apre-giftfor my friend date request,” I correct him.
“Whatever you say,” he says and once Hayes takes off, I head to The Spotted Zebra to meet her, but the whole way I keep noodling on what Hayes said.
That I’m angling for a make-out sesh under the mistletoe.
That can’t be right. Can it?
But when I reach The Spotted Zebra and see Katie walking down the street, I mouthwow.