I shuddered from the aftershocks. Trembled. Couldn’t stop panting. Didn’t want to stop feeling so damn good.

But I needed one more thing.

One more taste of her.

When she dropped me from her mouth, I pulled her up and planted a tender kiss on her lips. “You’re incredible.”

She gave me a soft smile, then whispered, “You too.”

“I guess we’re even,” I said, still in a daze. “You screamed my name. I groaned yours.”

“Oh, you screamed it too, handsome. You definitely screamed it.”

I laughed. No point arguing with her there. “Fair enough,” I said, but then the sound of a car starting somewhere nearby ruined the moment.

Back to reality. Our momentary escape into a quiet parking garage bubble had ended.

“We’d better get back to work,” I said.

She rearranged her features then nodded. “Yes. Work, just work.”

“Just work,” I repeated, because holy hell, did I need the reminder.

* * *

My phone rang before the sun had breached my hotel room window in the morning. I fumbled for it on the nightstand, cracked an eyelid to check who it was, then answered.

“Hey, Andrew.”

I’d called my client last night and given him a report after the International Diamonds visit, but I hadn’t expected to hear from him at the break of dawn.

“I have news.” Andrew sounded excited, and I sat, shaking off sleep.

“I’m listening.”

“My IT team deciphered a few more emails. I told them to look for any references to the Frayer mine, and they turned up something.”

Excellent.I swung my feet to the floor and sat on the edge of the bed as he filled me in.

At 9:22 a.m. I watched Eli shut the front door of his house behind him and walk the stone path toward his circular driveway, tossing his car keys in his right hand, exactly like he’d done yesterday. He even stopped to smell the roses, so to speak. A creature of habit.

There was one thing different though. The day before yesterday, when I’d last tailed him, he’d tossed his keys from hand to hand, not just up and down. Today, he walked with his left hand in his trouser pocket.

Not weird in itself, but his overall body language suggested he wasn’t just jingling his spare change. A look through my binoculars backed up that impression. Eli was clutching something important or valuable and keeping it out of sight.

There were a lot of things it could be. But my intuition added up small and valuable and equaled jewels. Was Eli carrying diamonds from the Frayer mine in his pocket?

Eli got into his car, and I followed him again, determined and intensely focused. Anything else was a distraction.

Specifically, one sexy, feisty, fantastic woman who felt like magic in my hands.

The memory of Ruby coming undone in the backseat of her car threatened to derail me again, the echo of her cries turning me on, no matter how inappropriate the time. I shouldn’t have dirty thoughts about her while I was tailing her stepfather.

Herstepfather. If that wasn’t crossing a line between work and personal life, I didn’t know what was.

In another repeat, Eli headed to the financial district and parked outside the Royal Bank. I pulled over too, watching Eli hop out of his car and saunter into the bank. This time, I followed him inside at a reasonable distance.

The lobby was all marble floor, oak partitions and teller windows, and cool, climate-controlled air. Eli ignored all of them, striding directly to the back where a man in a pinstriped suit greeted him with a handshake. Then the banker opened a door, and Eli followed him through while a guard stood watch, staring straight ahead.