“Okay. Good. Come up with me?” I tug him toward the entrance, wanting nothing more than to be alone with him.

As soon as we’re in the apartment, he spins me toward him and presses a kiss to my mouth. It starts off as sweet and quickly turns to hungry. It takes my breath away and it’s everything I’ve needed for so long.

“I know everything,” he murmurs against my lips, stealing another kiss. “I know that my father did something, said something to make you think you had to push me away. You don’t, Blair. I’m not going anywhere.”

With a half-laugh, half cry, I press up onto the balls of my feet and kiss him deeper. I want more. Not just another afternoon in bed. I want to wake up with him tomorrow morning. I want to talk to him every day and come home to him at night. I desperately want him to be there when this baby is born.

For a moment, an image flashes through my mind: Nick as a stay-at-home dad. Comfortable in the kitchen, spooning messy meals into our baby’s mouth, grinning and looking at me with those dark eyes.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you before but I couldn’t stand the thought of ruining so many lives. Your dad was stone-cold serious when he told me to stay away from you or there would be consequences.”

Nick hugs me tightly and tells me how sorry he is that it all came to this.

“I don’t care about the money,” I tell him, pulling slightly away to look him in the eye. “But you should. If we do this, he’s going to take all of it away.”

Nick’s face grows serious again and he takes it all in, nodding slowly. And then a grin flickers across his lips. “But Blair, I don’t care.”

“You should,” I insist. “I mean—I’m not worried about—” I stutter and flush, wondering if I’m really about to let all my daydreams out. “I can support us. Me and the baby. And you if…”

Nick’s brows rise in amusement. “Oh, so that’s your plan? You’ll be the breadwinner, hmm? You know, I’ve saved up quite a bit over the years. I’m not worried about needing more.” He takes a steady, sure step toward me, stealing a light kiss. “I just need you. And the baby. That’s it.”

“What about Vanessa?” I ask. “And the girls?”

“Vanessa’s already looking for a new job. She has a PhD, you know. She thinks she can find something, even though she’s been out of her field for a while. But she’s leaving him too. We’re all leaving him. The old man is going to get what he deserves after all these years.”

I let out a sigh of relief. This isn’t how I wanted it to play out. I don’t want Nick and Vanessa to lose their father, even if he is a manipulative jackass. I don’t want them to have to struggle to find somewhere else to make money or worry about the future.

“You’re sure?” I ask. “Both of you—because this affects Vanessa just as much.”

Nick nods. “Absolutely. I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

Suddenly all my little silly worries rise to the surface. Nick catches me chewing my lip.

“What now, babe?” he murmurs, leading me toward the living room. We sit and he pulls me into his lap, one hand on my stomach, the other holding me close.

I feel myself blush at the ridiculous thoughts running through my head. “It’s just… this won’t be a problem at work, now that you’re no longer a client. But… aren’t you worried about gossip?”

“Gossip?” he asks incredulously. “That’s what you’re concerned about?”

I shrug. “Technically, you’re the city’s most eligible bachelor. And until your dad cuts you off… you’re also a billionaire.” He screws his face up and it hits me that he really means what he said. He doesn’t care about the money.

“And there’s the age gap issue…”

Now he lets out a laugh, arms wrapping around me tighter. “Age? What—you don’t think I’m young enough for you? Worried I might not have enough stamina?”

“I’m serious, Nick. The whole thing is a little scandalous, isn’t it? You’re much older than me, and we met as a one-night stand. And we certainly didn’t plan this pregnancy.”

“You and our baby are the best things that have ever happened to me.”

“—Plus, we’ve really only known each other for a few months.”

“Four months. Almost five.”

“I know I’m being silly. I just can’t believe this is actually happening.”

“Well, it is, gorgeous. Get used to it,” he says with a huge grin.

The conversation turns to other topics. The possibility of finding out the baby’s sex; setting up a nursery; and talking about where we might want to live together.