Vanessa’s frown deepens. “I wish I could say I’m surprised… but Blair, you must know, Nick will be fine. He can find another job. He can—” But she sees the look on my face. “There’s more?”

I nod. “You and the girls, you aren’t getting anything. If I keep seeing Nick. Well,” I correct myself, “you aren’t getting anything from Collin. Nick has you in his will as the inheritors, but if your dad cuts him out…”

“Then we get absolutely nothing,” Vanessa breathes, sitting back. She lets out a surprised and dark laugh. “I should’ve known. He told me, after Greg died… he told me we weren’t getting anything else other than the company payout for the accident. And then he demoted me. From CFO to customer service manager.”

She laughs bitterly.

I wince, having seen it in the paperwork already. Weaver Industries paid large sums of money to the pilot, staff, and passengers’ families, including Vanessa. It was a lot of money, but not enough to last a lifetime. Not enough for Vanessa and the girls to get by if Collin really does cut them out.

“You know,” she muses, eyelids heavy, “I wasn’t really surprised when he told me I wouldn’t get anything. After all, the company pays me for consultation work. So, I’m an employee. I figured that was a fair price to pay for letting our relationship die, but…” she shakes her head. “I didn’t think he’d leave the girls out too. I thought…”

She doesn’t need to say it out loud. She thought Collin would still do right by his family, even if he was holding onto a grudge. She didn’t think he’d be so selfish, so cruel.

“Did Nick ever tell you about my parents?” she asks suddenly, blinking as she comes back to the moment.

I shake my head. “Just that your mom passed away and it was just the three of you after that.”

Vanessa nods slowly. “Our mom was amazing. She was the one you could always go to for hugs, if you were upset, for advice, for anything. She was the one who loved us up. We could never figure out why she married Dad.” She sighs, readjusting herself on the desk. “What Nick doesn’t know is that Mom regretted marrying our father. She told me right after Greg proposed to me that I should be marrying for love. And I was—she taught me that, even if not intentionally. I saw their relationship, and how bad it was, and I decided I wanted better. But Nick… Nick saw their relationship and decided he never wanted to suffer. Never wanted to love anyone.”

I frown. “But his ex…?”

“Yeah, exactly. He was in love with Callie and thought the world of her. Mom was gone by then and Greg and I were on our extended honeymoon, so I think he just felt alone when Dad told him that she was only in it for his money. The crazy thing is, Nick believed him. I don’t know why.”

Slowly, the pieces start connecting in my head.

“Your dad accused me of being a gold-digger.”

“Yeah. That sounds about right. He did the same thing with Callie, and Nick left her. I don’t know how it happened exactly. I think Dad manufactured some evidence, and then made it so she could never talk to Nick one-on-one. Cut her out quickly, efficiently.”

Her eyes meet mine, serious. “I think he’s doing the same to you, Blair. It makes me wonder what he said to Callie all those years ago.”

We sit in silence, the two of us letting it sink in. It sounds insane. It sounds like something out of a movie: blackmail, a man willing to sacrifice his entire family for his wealth, and people in pain as a consequence.

But it doesn’t change the outcome.

“Vanessa. I can’t let it happen. Nick doesn’t know.”

“Mmm. I assumed. If he knew, he’d give it all up immediately.”

My heart clenches at her words. “I can’t let him, though. If he pursues me, the two of you will be cut out of everything. The company, Collin’s will. There’ll be nothing. No inheritance.”

Vanessa nods slowly, her eyes clouded over in thought.

“I want you all to be safe,” I insist. “There’s nothing to say this can’t… wait until after Collin…”

I trail off, feeling bad for what I’m thinking. But when Collin Weaver dies, his foot will be off our throats.

Vanessa smiles sourly. “I understand what you’re saying. But he’s a spiteful old man. He’ll stay alive just to make sure Nick never sees his child. And besides, at that point, who knows how old the kid will be.” She gestures lightly to my stomach, a soft smile on her face. “You know, I think Nick has been frozen all these years. Stagnant. He hasn’t moved forward or really thrived, hasn’t fallen in love, hasn’t even dated. He’s never thought of the possibility of a future. Until you.”

Again, my heart twists. Vanessa reaches out and grips my hand tightly. It makes me wish I had a sister—someone to talk to and confide in.

“It’s your decision. Like I said, he’d give it all up in a heartbeat. But it’s your choice.”

With that, she stands and opens the door. Constance is still stewing and several employees are sending us curious glances.

“Just think about it, okay? You and Nick and your baby deserve a chance. But, I support you in whatever you decide.”

I nod, accepting her reassurance.