This is supposed to be a business meeting, like any other. But when I open the door and see her in casual clothes, looking exhausted, I know we’re not going to talk numbers today.

“Are you feeling okay?” I can’t help the question slipping out.

Blair gives me a tired look as she steps into the foyer. I gesture toward the kitchen, where we settle opposite each other at the island.

“I’m fine,” she finally says. She sounds exhausted, and there are dark circles under her eyes. It’s hard to imagine that this is the same woman who I swept around a dancefloor the night before. But that was before I knew her secret.

“Can I get you anything? Tea, water—?”

Blair frowns. She opens her mouth, then snaps it shut. “You’re trying too hard, Nick. This is… this feels awkward.”

A swell of anxiety and irritation fills my chest.

“I have manners, Blair. I’d offer anyone who comes into my home a drink.”

But we both know that’s not entirely true. I can feel the sense of urgency running through my veins, and I’m trying to quell it. She sits with a sigh, running a hand over her face.

“We need to talk about this.”

The words come out strongly, but she looks reluctant at the same time. And sad.

I nod. “I agree. And, I want to say before we start that I’m sorry I wasn’t able to stay with you last night in the hospital. I know it must have been very uncomfortable for you to be there with my father. I just felt it was best for me to go and for both of us to have some time to think. Also, I didn’t want to alert my dad to the fact that something has been going on between the two of us.”

An awkward silence settles between us, and I realize this is the first time we’ve been faced with a reality outside of work or pleasure. There’s no focus on numbers now, no distraction caused by desire. I’m worried about how our communication styles might clash and whether things are about to get really ugly.

I’m looking across the granite island at the woman who is pregnant with my child.

“Obviously, neither of us expected or wanted this to happen.” She glances up at me, her eyes almost pleading—what does that mean?

Blair gestures at her stomach, then wraps an arm around it protectively. “I mean, I wasn’t planning on having a child anytime soon.” An uncomfortable laugh spills out of her. “I have my career, and…”

“I know. I know what you mean. I wasn’t expecting it either… obviously.”

The echo of her earlier words makes her smile, and it feels like the ice between us melts just slightly. Just enough.

“I want you to know, even though this wasn’t planned, I’m not going to disappear on you. I want to contribute however you decide you need it. You can even stay here if you want, as everything progresses, and I can pay—”

Her face goes pale at the mention of money. “No. No, Nick. I’m sorry.”

It’s like a punch to the gut.

“You’re not going to…?” I feel guilty asking because it’s Blair’s decision. Not mine. If she doesn’t want to go through with this pregnancy…

“No, not that. I’m going to keep the baby, but… Nick, I need space. I think I want to do this by myself.”

Somehow, her face becomes even paler. I’m frozen in my seat, trying to wrap my head around it. Of course, she’d said something similar last night at the hospital, but it was so late, and she was exhausted, sick and dehydrated. I hoped she would feel differently about everything today.

I clench my fists, trying to ease the tension that has my body strung tight like a bow. Blair nervously chews on her bottom lip and pushes her hair back behind her ear.

“I just can’t see this working. I just feel like I need to do this on my own.”

It’s like all the air has been sucked out of the room. I find myself gripping the edge of the counter.

Then Blair reaches out, her hand on mine like an anchor. I catch her gaze and hold it, wanting the truth.

“Is that what you really want?”

What I long to ask, and can’t get the words out, is:You don’t want me in your life? In our child’s life? Why would you do this? Have I done something wrong?