“Um, sir. Would you like to…?”

The nurse gestures obviously, indicating that Mr. Weaver should leave the room so I can dress. He gives her an annoyed look but steps out.

The feeling of dread continues as I slip into the luxury town car meant to chauffeur me home. Collin Weaver sits next to me, legs crossed, an espresso in hand. I don’t know where he got it, but it definitely wasn’t at the hospital.

My stomach aches again, but there’s no nausea, which feels strange. Whatever they gave me is doing its job.

“Quite convenient,” Collin murmurs, eyes flicking toward me. “Don’t you think?”

I blink. “I’m sorry?”

He glances forward for a moment, seemingly gathering his thoughts. Outside, streetlights pool over us in flashes as the driver heads toward the edge of the city.

“My son and daughter think I don’t know what goes on here. I’ve been abroad on and off for the last two years, did you know that?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer—I do actually know that because I read up extensively on the company and his role in it to prepare for working with them. “But I have eyes and ears here. I have people who have told me about how…drawnyou and Nick seem to be to one another.”

He says it with a sneer, a curl of his lip.

I open my mouth to reassure him that nothing inappropriate is happening. At least, not anymore. But Collin interrupts, staring me down.

“I know what you’re doing, Miss Morrison. I’ve met women like you before. You’re all the same. You think you’re sneaky about it. You think you can fleece this family just by breeding, by taking advantage of my idiot son.”

His words are like a slap, so much so that I actually let out a small gasp. I can barely wrap my mind around what he’s said.

“I—Mr. Weaver, I would never—”

“This isn’t Nick’s first time with this kind of problem, and I’m not surprised it’s happened again. He’s never been the kind of man who learns from his mistakes. No, Nick blunders right into them. And you, Miss Morrison, and that—” he points his bony finger at my stomach, which I cover with a hand “—are amistake.”

My mouth snaps shut because despite how much I hate everything he’s said, I can see how this looks. After all, I’ve spent the last month looking over this family’s very abundant bank accounts. I know exactly how much Nick stands to inherit.

Collin Weaver’s earlier phrase echoes back at me:Convenient.

“Let me make this clear. If you pursue my son in any way, if you try to rope him into this fiasco, I will cut him off completely. He’ll have absolutely nothing to offer you and that child. Do you understand?”

A blind panic fills me. And then, suddenly, anger takes over.

All my life I’ve kept my head down and done the hard work.

And where has it gotten me? Passed over for promotions by people, usually men, more vocal than me. Talked down to by men like Ethan Jacobs and Collin Weaver.

“That’s the last thing I want,” I say flatly, emotionlessly, to make sure I get my point across. “I don’t know how much you heard in the hospital, Mr. Weaver, but I insisted that Nick stay out of this. Whether I decide to keep the baby or not, I’m more than happy to do this on my own.”

Collin eyes me, disgust still lingering on his features. I keep my chin tipped up, not willing to break eye contact.

Partly because I’ve had enough of assholes like Collin Weaver dictating my life.

And partly because I know that if I show any signs of weakness, if he thinks for one moment that I want his son or his son’s money—Nick won’t be the only one who loses everything.

Vanessa and the girls.

The memory of those girls, laughing and squealing, chasing each other, comes to mind and I push it back. This isn’t the time to get emotional.

“I know what it looks like, Mr. Weaver. And I’d argue that it’s actuallyinconvenient. But no matter the outcome here, I need to complete your account with Quinn, Jacobs & Cowdery. I have my own goals and plans. Do you understand?”

His eyes narrow. The seconds tick by, and I wonder if he’s even going to respond at all.

“Perhaps we can come to an agreement,” he murmurs. “You can finish the job. It can’t possibly take more than another month or two, correct?”

I nod.