The theme is midnight. A long silver carpet, sparkling like stars, leads Blair and me toward the ballroom. We step through the twelve-foot-high doors and into a room shrouded in mystery.

Dark fabric bands, billowing from the ceiling, create the impression of clouds at night. The room is dim, but tables and seating areas are lit up in beautiful blues and silvers. And there are lights, tons of twinkly little lights everywhere.

“Let’s walk the edge,” I murmur, noting Blair’s slightly overwhelmed expression. “Get settled. Then, if you’re up for it, I’ll introduce you to some people from our larger partnering firms.”

I see one of our head engineers and nod as Blair and I skirt the room. We walk by a seafood-inspired buffet, with shrimp, scallops, oysters and creamy, cold soups. Blair bites her lip, obviously intrigued by the layout, and I promise her that we’ll circle back soon.

“What exactly am I supposed to do here?” she asks when we’re back where we started. Her eyes scan the room, likely looking for acquaintances.

I turn to face her, grazing my fingertips up her bare arm and pulling her closer with a gentle nudge.

“Nothing. Just keep looking gorgeous. Although if you’re feeling up to it, I’m sure you could poach a few new clients from the roster.”

I shoot her a wink and she smiles, trying but failing to cover it.

She looks truly beautiful. Blair draws my eye because of her simplicity. She’s not trying to look any certain way, she just…is. There’s a freedom to her openness, a vulnerability that I crave.

I introduce her to one of our lead co-contractors and she’s effortlessly polite, giving and receiving compliments with ease and grace. When my hand brushes the small of her back, she leans into it. A moment later her hand rests on my forearm.

We share a smile and a dizziness sweeps over me.

Is it always this easy? Is this what it’s supposed to be like?

But when I lean toward her, murmuring that I wouldn’t mind a moment alone with her, Blair ducks her head and bites her lip.

She’s holding back. I’m momentarily baffled, but this must be karma—I was the one distancing myself for the past few weeks. She has every right now to pull away from me.

Regrettably, I accept her need for space and give her a few inches, hands behind my back.

Maybe it’s over,a dry voice contemplates.Maybe this is no longer amusing her…

A sadness drops over me from head to toe at the realization that Blair might not be drawn to me the way I am to her. Have I been deluding myself this whole time? Imagining, after years of being alone, that someone might still want me?


The voice is familiar. Too familiar.

Blair gives a little jerk and huddles in closer to me. Warmth spreads through me at the thought that she might think of me as… safe.

“Oh—Mr. Weaver.” Her voice is a slightly higher pitch as we both face my father. I, on the other hand, am unsurprised. He has a nasty habit of showing up when you least expect him.

“Nicholas, I see you brought our lawyer.”

The deadpan tone of voice makes it clear exactly how he feels about the situation. He gives Blair a calculating look from head to toe and I know, at least, that he won’t be able to find anything wrong with her appearance. Her dress is appropriate, as is her quiet personality and open smile.

“We need to talk later.” His eyes cut to meet mine. I nod reluctantly and he floats away, all beneficent smiles and handshakes to others he encounters.

“You didn’t tell me your father was going to be here,” Blair hisses. Her face is pale again and she sways slightly. “I thought he was still in England.”

Carefully, I press a hand to the small of her back and frown. “I didn’t realize he was already back. He told me he was arriving tomorrow. He must have changed his plans. They’re finishing the offices there this week and I’m guessing he’ll return soon.”

My response doesn’t seem to ease her mind, so I sweep her closer into my body, tugging us gently onto the dance floor. I need a good reason to hold her this close. I want to draw attention away from her sudden shock, but I also want her to myself.

The ceiling above the dance floor is a silver cloud of stars. It’s calming and the many floral arrangements make the room smell amazing. Blair relaxes against my body as I sway us gently through basic steps, with no real effort. The music is playing, soft and low. Soothing.

Blair sighs, leaning her forehead against my chest. I hope desperately that she can’t feel my heart picking up pace at the closeness.

Blair falters. It’s a clumsy stumble, one foot dragging on the ground.