“Not fair! Uncle Nick, you said you weren’t playing!”

“I’m neutral territory. When it’s your turn to get chased around, come find me.”

Aimee is giggling, struggling in my grip enough that I have to put her down. Vanessa and I watch the girls bolt toward the back door, where they’ll inevitably spill out into the yard.

“Alright, what’s up?”


Vanessa gives me a knowing look. It’s impossible to not come clean with Vanessa. She can read me like a book.

Years ago, back before I got involved with Dad’s business, I’d been completely unreliable. I missed Scarlett’s birth by a week and a half. I’d promised Greg I’d partner with him on some business opportunities, and backed out. I had been letting Vanessa—and my dad—down for years. Which is why I don’t want to admit that I’ve probably messed this up, as well.

“Blair canceled our last two appointments for the estate. She’s not picking up my calls, and Dad is going to realize soon that we’re about two weeks behind wrapping this up.”

I drop into a chair, arms crossed.

“Don’t you think you’re being a little childish for a forty-year-old man, Nick? You’re pouting about a schoolyard crush.”

It’s not just a crush. That’s the whole problem.

I can’t admit that out loud. I can’t even admit it to myself, really, so I ignore the comment.

“It’s unprofessional. I can’t even get her on the phone. I’ve texted and called and she doesn’t pick up. She’s had her assistant reach out both times.”

“Hmm,” Vanessa muses in a sarcastic tone, “what could you have possibly done to piss her off?”

I glare at her. “The whole timeline is going to get messed up. We needed everything done before Dad takes over at the UK branch. If we don’t…”

I trail off, meeting my sister’s eyes. We both know the consequences. Almost two decades ago, she ignored our father’s warning not to marry Greg. And it had cost her the inheritance allotted to her. When Greg passed and Vanessa began working for the company out of necessity, Dad still hadn’t mentioned anything about cutting her back in. He’s always been excellent at holding a grudge.

Right now Vanessa earns a decent salary at the company, but she should be making more. She should be part owner. We both know it. And we both know Dad is spiteful. While he eventually accepted that Greg was more than competent with the family company, he’s never forgiven Vanessa for going against his wishes, for following her heart instead of his demands.

She sighs and leans back into the small loveseat. “Maybe I should just give up. Start over somewhere else…”

But we both know she won’t. I can’t help the silent plea in my eyes.Don’t leave me here.

After everything, Vanessa and the girls are all that’s left.

We sit in silence for a while, both contemplating past mistakes, the choices we made, and how to get out of the mess we’re in now.

“This has to work,” I mutter darkly. “The timing is so important… with him gone, he won’t bother looking over the contracts…”

And that’s how I’d get everything to Vanessa, eventually. Dad was planning on leaving most of the estate to me, and nothing to her. If I could sneak her into my own inheritance, though… she and the girls would have a secure future. That’s all I care about.

“What’s really going on, Nick?” Vanessa asks.

I really don’t want to get into it and I fight back the urge to lie. Instead, I consider how to word my indiscretion.

Our indiscretion. And my decision to firmly put up walls with Blair, which has clearly ticked her off—even thoughshewas the one who suggested we don’t get involved.

It’s not as if Miss Morrison wasn’t a willing participant. An image of her spread before me, on her knees, flashes through my mind. I fight it off with a sigh.

“We just can’t stay away from each other. Or, couldn’t. So I… I’ve been a little cold with her. To protect us both.”

It comes out as a guilty admission. Vanessa frowns and looks at me closely.

“Nick… no offense, but you rarely hook up with the same woman twice. You’re like a vampire – out looking to get your fix, then moving on with your life. You’ve never done a double-take, so what’s up with Blair? Why are you so invested in getting a callback? Especially if, as you claim, you’re trying to toe the line.”