The secretary asks if there’s someone specific I’m here to meet. “I’m looking for Blair Morrison. She’s not expecting me, but I’m just bringing by some documents she needs from me.”

The secretary calls someone to escort me up, and he takes me to Blair’s floor.

“Miss Morrison’s office,” the escort says, nodding briefly into an office with glass walls and a dark door.

Blair’s eyes are glued to her computer, and she doesn’t immediately look up. Judging by the number of folders stacked high on her desk, she looks to be super busy.

“Hey,” I say casually, stepping in.

She startles and I bite back a chuckle. It’s good to know I still have a physical effect on her. I was worried she might truly dislike me, although Vanessa said she thinks I’ve left quite an impression. Good or bad neither of us knows.

“Hi, Nick.” She stands and gestures to the chairs in front of her desk. I drop into one, stretching my legs out. It’s my day off. Tuesdays and Sundays I refuse to work in the family business. My father owns me the rest of the week and I spend my days, even at home, fielding emails and phone calls, providing direction and making decisions.

“Hi. I’m so sorry to startle you. These are for you,” I explain, holding out another file for her to add to her growing pile. It’s the rest of my dad’s financial accounts, the ones that Blair checked off as missing.

“Thanks. You didn’t have to come all the way here, though.”

I shrug. “Sounded like it would help you out to have it sooner rather than later.”

She watches me closely, a crease between her brows. It’s clear that Blair hasn’t made her mind up about me yet. Not by a long shot. And it must be as confusing for her as it is for me.

It’s hard to look at her and not drag my gaze down her body, to where her ankles are crossed and peeking out from under the desk. Those strappy little heels… I want to slip them off and bury my face between her legs.

“Are you okay?” she asks as I shift uncomfortably in the seat, trying to adjust my growing desire without drawing attention to it.

I raise my eyebrows and give her a quick nod. If only she knew.

Her eyes drop to my lap and then widen in understanding.

Blair stands abruptly. “I—thank you, Mr. Weaver, but I have a very busy day. I appreciate you dropping this off.”

“Actually, I had a few logistical questions for you, Blair, if you have a moment to clear them up.” The words come out in a teasing rumble. I don’t have any actual questions, not about the work we’re doing. But my gaze burns into her and I enjoy watching her come undone under it, her lips parting, a look of uncertainty on her face. She’s unsure how to handle me, but I’d be happy to give her a few tips.

“I really have to—”


We both turn. A man with dark hair stands in the doorway, his expression polite, but passive. I recognize him immediately and realize he’s Blair’s boss. One of them, at least. She immediately moves into a professional posture and nods.

“Mr. Cowdery.” She then introduces the two of us.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Weaver. I hope Blair is being helpful?”

“She is.” I stand and shake the man’s hand, understanding passing between us. But I catch the quick look he gives Blair. He’s wondering if something else is going on here. After all, it’s fairly obvious that she was just kicking me out of her office.

“I’m sure Miss Morrison can make time for you in her busy day if that’s what you need. Blair, if you have any loose ends to tie up, why don’t you divide them among the team?”

Her face is pale, but she nods. “Of course, Mr. Cowdery.”

He seems satisfied. “And if you need to, you can meet in one of the conference rooms.”

“Oh, I’m perfectly comfortable here,” I say in an easy, casual tone, and I can feel Blair’s eyes snap to me in incredulity.

Mr. Cowdery – Benjamin, I think his name is, if I remember correctly from the company overview – excuses himself and disappears.

When I turn back to Blair, her face is turning a dark, frustrated red.

“What was that?” she snaps, moving past me and shutting the door. But not before I hear the snickers from outside. I look out through the glass wall to see a few of her coworkers gathered in a nearby seating area, watching closely. Immediately, a protective thundercloud rolls through me.