It’s cheesy, but it’s partly true. What was supposed to be a one-night stand has become so much more than I’d ever hoped for. Nick slides in beside me, his sturdy presence making me feel grounded and safe. Whatever comes after this, I’m happy to be facing it with him.

Baby, promotion, a new home. The list goes on…

All that matters is that we have each other.

Chapter 28


OneYearandThreeMonths Later

Blair whirls through the back door, a cake balanced perfectly in her hands. She’s cut her hair short recently and it suits her gorgeous face perfectly. She catches me checking her out and blows me a kiss. I send back a cheeky grin.

The house is new to us, but we’ve settled in quickly these last few months. It’s a midway point between my old house in the country and her apartment. Not too big, not too small. The perfect place to raise a kid, to have plenty of privacy, and to entertain our friends and family.

“Seriously?” Vanessa asks, sidling up next to me. “You two are newlyweds, technically, but come on. Shouldn’t you be out of the honeymoon phase by now?”

I shrug. The truth is, I’m not sure we’ll ever be out of the honeymoon phase.

Sure, we’ll argue, have ups and downs, and struggle now and then. But there’s no one I’d rather struggle with than Blair. Somehow, we managed to find each other and matched perfectly. We balance one another out. We spend endless hours just talking to each other and cuddling.

I want her just as much now as I wanted her the day I laid eyes on her in that bar, downtrodden and a little tipsy, looking for a distraction. And man, what a distraction it ended up being—for both of us.

Today is our son’s first birthday party. Eli gurgles and reaches out happily from his highchair on the patio, Scarlett playing peekaboo with him.

Once the birthday festivities are over, Blair finds me. She slips up under my arm and tucks herself there, a perfect fit.

“Is it weird, not having him here?”

I know who she means, of course, and shake my head. “No. I don’t think he ever really was… present. Our whole lives. It’s sad, but I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all.”

She nods, understanding. Last I heard, my father was considering moving back. But if it’s a ploy to try and reconnect, it’s not going to work.

Vanessa joins us, picking at the ice cream cake, grumbling that there isn’t enough frosting.

“So,” she asks, bumping elbows with Blair, “what’s next? Nick says you’re looking for a change.”

“Mmm. I don’t know… I was thinking about going into conservation law. You know, try and help out the environment.”

Vanessa’s brows rise, and Blair explains, “It’s something I’ve always loved and been interested in. I just always thought it was a dead end. But maybe now is a good time.” We share a smile, both comfortable with where we’re at. I’m making more than enough consulting, and she talks about her passion often. I want her to give it a shot if that’s what she wants.

“And I’m more than happy to be a stay-at-home dad,” I quip, lifting Eli out of the highchair and giving him a light toss in the air.

Blair presses a hand to her chest. She hates it when I do that, but it makes Eli laugh, and my son’s laughter is one of the sweetest sounds in the world. He settles into my arms quickly, tired from a day full of friends and family, full of cake.

“What about the firm we talked about setting up?” Vanessa complains. She’s interested in what I’ve been doing and has seen potential there. She’s been pushing to start up a more fleshed-out business, with services beyond counseling and a small team of people. It has my attention, but I’m not quite sure I’m ready to let go of this life.

“Uncle Nick, can we take him?” Scarlett begs, touching Eli’s chubby legs. She and Aimee are in love with him, constantly wanting to take him for walks in the stroller or bounce him in his chair. I sigh and hand him over, though I’m happy to see them connecting. It’s good to know he’ll grow up with a lot of love and watchful eyes.

“He has to go down soon,” Blair warns gently. “So not too long.”

The girls call out in agreement and hustle Eli away, his hand wrapped in Scarlett’s hair and Aimee following close behind.

My wife gives me a squeeze and sighs. “I should go say hi to Ben and Joe. I haven’t met Joe’s wife yet.”

“She’s nice. Quiet, but I think you two will get along.”

She gives me a grateful glance before heading off toward a group of guests. I watch her go, feeling once again the sense of being lucky—of having gotten the best life I could have asked for.