“Paperwork? Miss Morrison, I’ve already signed the estate documents.” There’s a scoff in his words, but Blair’s small, triumphant smile drains some of the color from his face.

“Oh, this isn’t the estate documents, Mr. Weaver. This is the contract you requested that legally separates your son from the company. Youdidsay you were going to oust him if he pursued a relationship with me, after learning about our pregnancy.”

The tension ramps up in the room as his clients glance at one another, clearly struck by the statement. My father’s mouth hangs open, eyes practically bulging from his head.

Blair protectively places her free hand over her stomach.

“I—I assure you I don’t know what you’re talking about, Miss Morrison.”

“Interesting,” I say, stepping to her side. “You were very clear last time you spoke with Blair. I believe you explained to her that you would cut me out of inheriting any part of the company, which would in turn leave Vanessa and your grandchildren without an inheritance as well.”

His lips are pursed tightly, pale against the dark red of his face. He looks from one of us to the other. Blair finally gets tired of holding the folder and drops it onto the desk, amongst the client files, blueprints and doctored images of buildings they’re hoping Weaver Industries will build.

“I’m not signing that,” he snaps, pushing it away. Blair raises her brows. I slip an arm around her waist.

We let it sit there as the clients soak in what’s happening. Then, a beat before it gets too awkward, I pick it up.

“Whether you sign this or not, I’m leaving the company. You’ve made it clear that you don’t respect your family, or intend to treat them fairly.”

I lean in closely, so only he can hear me. It feels good to know that Blair is right behind me.

“And if you ever come formyfamily again, I’ll end you.”

Knowing that those are potentially the last words I’ll ever speak to my father, I turn and press a hand to Blair’s back gently, leading her from the room. His clients—who I have a feeling will make a quick exit after us—watch us leave, eyes wide and full of suspicion and disgust.

“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” Blair asks again once we’re alone in the elevator.

I nod, my thumb rubbing small circles in her palm, letting out the anxiety I hadn’t realized had been building up.

“Yes. Of course. You’re all I want, love. I won’t ever let something like this happen again.”

It’s a promise I intend to keep.

Chapter 27


Amonthlater,thefirm hasn’t quite cut ties with Weaver Industries. Or rather—with the Weavers in general.

Both Nick and Vanessa have come to Quinn, Jacobs & Cowdery as individual clients, both planning for the future. It’s a problem, of course, now that I’m going to be part of the family.

Once everything in my office is tidied up, I gather an impressive stack of papers and head toward Ben’s office. He’s waiting inside, tapping a pencil against his desk as he gazes pensively out the window. Word is going around that Joseph Quinn will be joining the firm in person, to pick up some slack. It’s just gossip, but apparently, Ethan has been dropping the ball, and several large accounts were recently lost.

I let out a deep breath, reminding myself that it’s not my problem to fix. Not now, anyway. With my workload finally more manageable, I’m only a few months away from maternity leave.

I knock lightly on Ben’s door and step in, gesturing with the folders in my hand.

“Oh. Yes, please, put those down, Blair.”

Pushing the stack of papers onto the edge of his desk, I take a seat across from him. He glances at my belly and looks genuinely happy for me.

“You’re sure about this, Blair? You don’t want a company dinner, or an announcement to go out?”

“No, thank you though. I appreciate the offer. Everything has just been so crazy, I’d like to keep this part of my life quiet for now.”

He nods in understanding, though he doesn’t know the whole of it. Collin Weaver managed to stay quiet for two weeks before bombing Nick’s phone, a day before his last with the company. Nick didn’t bother picking up, and when Collin got desperate and tried to reach Vanessa, she stood firm as well. It’s sad to cut family off—but sometimes necessary.

Since coming back to the States I’ve moved full-time into Nick’s home. It’s not ideal and he’s been talking about shopping around for something smaller, more manageable and closer to the city. I’ll be keeping my job once the baby is born, and Nick is now consulting with companies on how to grow and develop. It’s a fully remote job, one that will fit into our future schedule with the baby perfectly.