Nick nods along intently. As if he’s going to be escorting me on theseneighborhoodwalks.
I cough and they both look at me.
“Sorry. Just… thirsty.”
“Can you grab her some water?”
It’s dismissive, and the nurse is less than pleased. Well, he’s done an awesome job of pissing her off. In the last fifteen minutes, Nick has managed to come off as both rude and bossy.
Now that we’re alone again, he turns his attention back to me and my heart is in my throat.
He knows. He finally knows. And now we are going to have to talk about it. There’s no running from this anymore.
“How did they…?”
“They did a blood test, I think. They asked me if… you were… and I didn’t know, so…”
So, he didn’t say no. But he didn’t say yes, either.
“I told them I was your husband. They wouldn’t let me in otherwise.”
“And they gave you the results?”
He nods.
What had he felt in that moment, finding out? Disbelief? Anger? Dread?
“I think you should start taking a car to work every day, instead of taking the subway.”
A laugh erupts out of me as I struggle to sit up. Nick looks at me in confusion at my reaction. He leans in closely, his large hands hefting me up gently, touching the naked skin of my back where the gown isn’t completely closed. I can smell his cologne, the same one that had my head spinning earlier tonight, and disappointment shoots through me at the thought of howwrongthis has all gone.
“And you should take the next few days off. We can obviously push our meeting back—”
He’s gone into full work mode, a frown on his face and eyes distant as he plans on my behalf.
“Nick,” I interrupt, trying not to sound annoyed.
“—should let your boss know. I know you want that promotion, but you’re good enough that they won’t pass you over for it just because you’re pregnant.”
“I can handle it on my own.”
It comes out colder than I intended, freezing Nick in place. His shock melts away into anger that he’s clearly trying to hold in.
“On your own?”
He pulls the chair closer to the bed, the legs scraping against the floor. It makes me wince. Nick sits and leans in close, his eyes the color of iron and smoke.
“Unless I’m mistaken, this baby ismine.”
Minecomes out possessively. It sends a thrill through me, one I shouldn’t like so much, especially since I wasn’t planning on Nick knowing about this pregnancy at all. I was supposed to finish with Weaver Industries’ estate account and disappear.
I swallow.
“You don’t need to be involved, Nick. I can take care of this alone.”
There’s a flash of anger in his eyes.
“What exactly do you mean by ‘take care of’? You’re not thinking of… ending the pregnancy, are you?”