“Come on,” he whispers with a guilty grin, holding out his hand. I nod, taking his hand and stepping out of the shower.

He quickly wraps a towel around me, using the corner to pat my face dry.

We tiptoe through the locker room, hearts pounding with adrenaline as we find our clothes strewn across the tile floor. Dressing quickly, we giggle, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible, even though I know we’re far from it.

“See you out there,” he says, planting a firm kiss on my mouth, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

I watch as he squares his shoulders with an air of confidence as he slips out the locker room door. Waiting a few moments to be safe, I finally make my way back to his office, trying to appear inconspicuous. With every step, my heart races as I replay the steamy shower scene in my head, nearly tripping myself.

As I walk in, Lucas looks up and gives me a knowing smile. “Hey,” he says softly.

“Hey,” I reply, willing myself not to blush.

And as we enjoy our guilty exchange, Xavier saunters in, a smirk on his face that makes it clear he knows something’s up. I can’t help but squirm under his gaze, feeling like a teenager caught making out in her parents’ basement.

“Have you two been enjoying yourselves?” Xavier teases, chuckling at our obvious discomfort.

“Shut up,” Lucas mutters, his cheeks tinged red.

He grins. “Hey, man, I just wanted you to know that Daniel had to leave for an appointment, but he’ll be back later. We’re working on a killer move that’s sure to wow.”

Lucas smiles. “Ya, man, sounds good.”

Before I can think of something witty to add, Chloe bursts into the room like a tornado, clutching a tray of coffees in her hands.

“Peace offering!” she announces in a sing-song voice, setting the tray down with a smack. “I come bearing caffeine and apologies.”

I catch my breath from her unexpected appearance, knowing the last time I saw her was when my entire world fell apart. She’d “misinformed” Lucas about my interactions with Carlo and Dom, leading him down a path of unnecessary pain and insecurity.

“Apologies for what?” I ask cautiously, trying to gauge her mood.

“Ugh, for being a drama queen,” she admits, rolling her eyes at herself. “I shouldn’t have interfered with your relationship or tried to control you guys. I’m a bitch for that.”

My eyes widen in shock. “Chloe, it’s okay,” I reassure her, exchanging a glance with Lucas.

“Still,” she insists, handing me a coffee. “I just want everyone to be happy.”

“Thanks, Chloe,” Lucas says sincerely, accepting his coffee. “We appreciate it.”

“Great,” she beams, clapping her hands together. “Now that we’ve got that settled, can we please focus on the important stuff? Like making sure my wedding doesn’t turn into a complete disaster?”

I let out a small chuckle. “Of course,” I agree, smirking at Lucas who is trying to hide his amusement.

“We certainly wouldn’t want that, now would we,” he says, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Chloe swats his arm in feigned offense.

“Seriously, though, guys, you two look great together,” she gushes. “I can tell you’re good for each other. I mean, Lucas, I haven’t seen you this relaxed in ages.”

He wiggles his eyebrows at me, reminding me of our locker room encounter.

“Very true,” he says, his eyes never leaving mine. “I’m glad you suggested we work together.”

She grins, lifting one shoulder to her ear. “Aw, you guys are giving me all the feels!” she exclaims, wiping away fake tears.

“Okay, enough mushy stuff,” I tease, feeling my cheeks flush. “Let’s get back to wedding planning.”

“Fine,” Chloe relents, rolling her eyes playfully. “But just know that I’m making an effort to come around. I support both of you.”