For him to have approached my girl like that, when I wasn’t around, was beyond disrespectful and calculated. My blood boiled just thinking about how he had the balls to go after her, making her feel unsafe and unprotected. It was just another part of his grand scheme to come at me.

“Don’t worry about me, Lucas. I can handle that jerk.” Her lightened tone doesn’t make me forget the war this started, though. “I’m more concerned about your business. He’s talking about poaching your top fighters. Offering them a stake in his gym and a hefty signing bonus.”

I snort. As if a few extra bucks would convince my people to jump ship. They’re loyal. “Let him try. He won’t get far.”

She shifts nervously, still not convinced that I’m not threatened by this asshole.

“He’s also saying awful things about you and Walker Enterprises. Trying to damage your reputation.” Her eyes flash with anger. “We need to stop him before he sinks his claws in too deep.”

“I’ll handle Carlo,” I say. “If anything, I need to turn it back on him.”

“His fighters’ reputations for bad sportsmanship and illegal drug use could be a weakness we can target,” she says, tapping her pen against the desk. “We just need to make sure your own fighters are squeaky clean and represent the best you have to offer.”

“Agreed.” I rub my chin thoughtfully. “But Carlo’s a snake, and he won’t stop at anything to get what he wants. We just need to be prepared for anything now.”

“Like assaulting women in dark parking lots?” she mutters, her face hardening at the memory.

“Exactly,” I say, gritting my teeth. “I’ll double down on security for the gym. And honestly, I need to keep a closer eye on you. You’ve got yourself a stalker.”

“True. But more importantly, we can’t let him win,” she says firmly.

I smile, appreciating her dedication to the gym, to the company… to me.

“Speaking of winning,” she continues, “I managed to secure some new sponsorships for the Dubai expo. They’ll definitely help increase our visibility and attract more investors.”

“Really?” I lean back in my chair, thoroughly impressed. “You never cease to amaze me, Em. I have to admit, the recent rapid growth of Walker Enterprises is largely thanks to you.”

She shakes her head and keeps her eyes down as if it were nothing. But I know how much I owe to her.

“Speaking of growth,” she says, glancing down at her phone as it buzzes with a new notification. “I just got a new bid from someone who wants me to negotiate their contracts. Things are getting back on track for my business too.”

A darkness settles over me almost instantly. “Another client trying to poach you away?” I ask, unable to keep the hint of jealousy from my tone. Emily’s negotiating skills are in high demand, and more than one competitor has attempted to lure her from Walker Enterprises with an irresistible offer, so I’m not crazy to worry a little.

“It’s nothing.” She waves her hand dismissively. “Just someone wanting to discuss a new campaign.”

I feel my blood pressure rising and am not fully sure why. It just feels like I don’t want to share her anymore, but I know that’s not up to me. I still can’t help it, though.

“If they’re offering you something I’m not, I want to know about it.” I shoot her a stern look, watching as she fidgets beneath my gaze. “I think it’s time you took on more here, instead. You deserve a stake in this company, Em. Hell, you’re responsible for a huge portion of our growth over the past year. Name your price.”

“Lucas, I—”

“Name it.” I brace my hands on the desk, leaning towards her. “I want your full service, and I’m willing to pay for it. No more running off with other clients or wondering where your loyalties lie.”

“I’m not disloyal.” Her eyes flash, color rising in her cheeks. “I have a life and career outside of Walker Enterprises, or have you forgotten?”

“This isn’t just business anymore.” The words slip out before I can stop them. I straighten, clearing my throat.

“Lucas…,” she begins, her eyes darting between me and her phone screen. “It’s just a proposal. I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”

“Yet.” The word hangs in the air like a challenge, my temper rising as insecurities claw at me. “So, you’re considering it? You’re thinking about taking on another client?”

“Maybe I’m weighing my options,” she retorts, her eyebrows arching defiantly.

“Options?” I scoff, the muscle in my jaw twitching. “What happened to being committed to this partnership? To us?”

“Us? That’s not what this is about. Business is business, Lucas,” she insists, trying to sound in control, but I can see the uncertainty in her eyes. “It doesn’t mean I’m not committed to you or Walker Enterprises.”

“Doesn’t it?” My voice raises an octave, the heat of anger simmering beneath the surface. “If you’re still entertaining other offers, that tells me you’re not fully committed.”