“Don’t trip on the gym bags,” Emily warns, guiding me around the pile with a steady hand on my arm. Her touch is warm and comforting, a lifeline amidst my blind rage.
A sense of shame from my reaction to Chloe’s ambush covers me, as the scent of sweat and sounds of sparring redirect my senses to a more familiar balance. I notice Xavier at the far side of the gym, watching with curiosity, and his presence grounds me further.
“Here we are,” Emily says, opening the door to my office. She guides me to the leather couch against the wall and sits down beside me, our thighs touching.
“Take a deep breath. Focus on your breathing for a moment, okay?” Her voice is soft and soothing, pulling me back from the edge of panic. I do as she says, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, then exhaling slowly.
“Better?” she asks after a moment.
“A little,” I admit, opening my eyes to find her studying me intently. “Emily, I… I haven’t told you everything. About my PTSD, I mean.”
“You don’t have to explain,” she reassures me, her hand resting gently on my forearm.
“No, I want to. I need to,” I insist. “It’s not like me to lose it like that. I usually have better control of my… situation.” I drop my gaze to the floor. “I’ve just been having nightmares lately, so I’m a bit sleep deprived. They’re so vivid like I’m right back in the thick of it—gunfire, explosions, people screaming.” I take a breath. “And then, when something unexpected happens, like Chloe’s attack, there are flashbacks…. One second I’m here, and the next, I’m reliving some of the worst moments of my life.”
“Makes sense,” she says, listening intently. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you.”
“Sometimes, I just… I lose control,” I continue, the words tumbling out of me now. “Like with Chloe. My temper flares, and I can’t seem to rein it in. And other times, I feel completely numb, like I’m hollow inside.” She squeezes my arm gently. “It’s not just Chloe,” I say hesitantly, feeling the weight of my recent troubles bearing down on me. “Sure, she triggered it, but there’s something else, a competitor, threats.”
“What do you mean, threats?” she asks, eyes filled with concern.
“His name is Carlo. We’ve always been rivals. And now he’s trying to poach some of my prized fighters. He even went as far as saying he’ll destroy my business.” As I speak, the anxiety that has been gnawing at the back of my mind moves to the surface. “I’ve worked so hard to build this place, and now it feels like everything I’ve built is slipping through my fingers.”
“No, you’re not going to lose anything,” she says, voice firm. “You’re too strong. Capable. We’ll figure this out together. But for now, you need to take care of yourself.”
Her support is helpful, but I can feel my heart rate picking up again, the stress and anxiety tightening their grip on me.
“Your breathing is getting faster,” she observes, her hand still resting on my arm. “Sit up straight and put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach,” she instructs. “Now, take a deep breath, making sure your diaphragm expands and not just your chest.”
I follow her instructions, feeling odd but relieved to have something to focus on other than my own racing thoughts.
“Good,” she says, her voice steady. “Now hold your breath, and then exhale slowly through your mouth.”
I do as she says, concentrating on each breath, feeling the tension in my body start to dissipate with every controlled exhale.
“Keep going,” she whispers. “Just focus on your breathing, Lucas. Remember that you’re here, safe, and you’re not alone.”
My heart rate slows, my muscles relax, and the anxiety that had been threatening to swallow me whole recedes. As I continue to breathe deeply, the world outside fades away, leaving just Emily and me in our own world.
It’s in that serene moment, my breath finally under control, that the door to my office swings open, and Xavier strides in. His gaze flicks between Emily and me—her hand still resting on my arm, our faces close—a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
“Hey, boss,” he says, leaning against the doorframe. “Looks like I came just in time for the group therapy session.” The humor in his voice helps my frayed nerves.
“Xavier,” I acknowledge with a nod, knowing he understands what just went down.
“Well, thank you, Emily.” His eyes soften as he looks at her. “Looks like you’ve got the magic touch when it comes to calming our fearless leader here.”
“Call it intuition,” she replies, her cheeks tinge pink, but her expression remains genuine.
“Well, you’ve certainly got that,” Xavier agrees, giving me a knowing glance. It’s clear he believes Emily is good for me. And if I’m honest with myself, I can’t deny the truth in that.
“Anyway, I’ll leave you two to it,” he says, pushing away from the doorframe. “Just remember, Lucas, you’ve got people who care about you, man. Don’t forget that.”
“Thanks, Xavier,” I manage, my throat still tight.
He offers one last friendly nod before slipping back out of the room, leaving Emily and me alone again.
Swallowing hard, I let the vulnerability rise to the surface, my heart pounding in my chest. “I just… I can’t lose you, Emily. Not now when everything else feels like it’s falling apart.”