He nods knowingly. “Yup. He’s known for that. Need a ride?”
“I’m actually headed to the dog shelter next,” I say, shrugging my shoulders, preparing for him to make fun of me.
He glances at his watch. “I can take you.”
“No, really, you don’t have to. I can just call an Uber.” I open the app on my phone.
He reaches and puts his hand over the screen. “Seriously. I’ll take you. I’d like to see what all the hype’s about.”
“Really?” I stare at him in disbelief.
“Yeah, you can’t be the only one around here trying out new things.” He smirked. “I’m not one for pets or dogs, but I’m open to checking it out.”
“Okay, then,” I grab my bag and my jacket, unable to hide my smile. “Let’s go.”
I watch as he quickly has words with his gym manager, who nods and then returns his focus to the grappling fighters. Lucas grabs his keys from his desk and joins me, opening the door, allowing me to exit first.
I follow him to his sleek black SUV, and I hop in, immediately greeted by the scent of leather and the cool blast of air-conditioning.
“Nice ride,” I comment as he pulls away from the curb.
“Thanks,” he grins. “So where is this place? Tell me more about it. What do you do there?”
“Just head toward Castle Island. It’s near the wharf. I’ll show you.” I point him in the right direction, and he turns, following my instructions. “I help mainly with walking, feeding, and playing with the dogs. Sometimes I assist with adoption events and review some of their non-prof contracts,” I explain. “It can get emotional, you know, the dogs are so amazing, all needing homes. So I just give them as much love and affection as possible while they wait for their new forever families.”
“Sounds interesting,” he muses, putting his sunglasses on, making him look even sexier.
As we drive towards the shelter, sharing stories and laughter, I find myself drawn even closer to him. Not only is he supportive of my struggling business, but he’s also curious and open-minded about my interests. I have to swat away the notion that there might be something growing between us, because, in truth, he’s been clear with his signals for me to keep my distance.
Once we arrive, I lead Lucas through the entrance of the dog shelter, the chorus of barks and wagging tails filling the air. Jayne, at the front desk, welcomes me and I introduce her to Lucas, his focus already drawn down the row of kennels. Jayne smirks at me, ogling at his back as he follows the barks, and I shake my head at her and roll my eyes.
“I’ve never been to a place like his before,” he admits, looking at all the cages with curiosity.
I smile, excited to share this part of my life with him. “Welcome to my world, Lucas. You’re gonna love this.”
As we walk down the aisles, the dogs clamor for attention, their eyes pleading for love and companionship. Lucas’s military background is etched in the lines of his face, his stiff, formal posture, and I sense the weight he carries. I have a feeling these dogs will sense it too and might just be what his soul needs.
We approach a kennel, and a gentle-eyed, black Labrador mix named Charlie greets us with a wagging tail. I open the door, allowing Lucas to step inside and interact with the dog. Charlie leans into Lucas’s touch, his eyes shining with a mixture of trust and gratitude. They hold eye contact without blinking as if communicating in silence.
“He’s amazing,” Lucas says, his voice filled with awe. “He just seems to… understand.”
I nod, knowing exactly what he means. “They offer unconditional love and companionship, no matter what you’ve been through. Never any judgment.”
Lucas’s gaze lingers on Charlie, and I can see a flicker of relief in his eyes. The weight of his military trauma seems to momentarily fade away in the presence of this furry friend. It’s a small moment of solace that seems to soothe his tormented soul.
“Thank you, Emily,” he says softly. “For bringing me here.” His voice catches in his throat.
“You’re welcome,” I respond. “Though it was your idea.” I chuckle. “But I just knew these dogs would like you. They’re amazing like that.”
We spend the afternoon at the shelter, Lucas’s presence bringing comfort and joy to the dogs we encounter. With each interaction, I see him finding a renewed sense of purpose. And as we leave, I feel lighter than I have in weeks. The stress of my struggling business momentarily forgotten, replaced by comfortable chat and simply sharing space.
“Thanks for joining me today,” I say as we approach his car. “And for the ride.”
“No problem,” he says with a grin. “I honestly didn’t expect it to be that cool.”
“Oh, okay. I can be cool, you know,” I tease.
He chuckles, “Yeah. I guess.”