Page 98 of Heartless Doctor

"I'm sorry, among the brothers, I'm not really the brightest," I apologized. "How is this a problem exactly?'

"Because it's me. And I'm sure Ben isn't ready for a kid," she replied.

Ben? Not ready for another kid?

"Did he say that exactly?" I asked.

She didn't reply. "Don't tell him about this, please."

"Sure," I said.

"I also need a favor," she added. "Can you keep a secret?"



Lady luck.

It's been a while since I thanked her for anything. I could have thanked her for getting me into a good family like Ben's. Or for giving me a good working environment. But maybe, due to the fact that I had neglected to thank her for anything, that's why Jason had crept back up.

I never did sacrifice that pizza I promised her after all. Hmph. I amuse myself, sometimes. There I was dealing with a crisis, but I was making jokes in my mind. Well, not everything was a crisis.

Ethan explained that it had only been ten minutes since Ben had left to go look for Jason. A wild goose chase like that could take him an hour, or he'd give up after a few more minutes. Ethan said the latter wasn't the case, unless Ben had a very urgent need to return to my side. I touched my stomach. I was carrying a good reason. But I insisted that Ethan not tell him.

"So what's the favor?" he asked. "And why does it have to be a secret?"

"I want to go to Maryland. Is the offer for the placement still available?" I asked.

"Wait? You want to go?" He was confused as he stared at my face and my stomach, then looked away. "But you have a valid reason to stay. Besides being a travel nurse. You're pregnant."

"I don't need the reminder," I said as I forced myself out of the bed. "Is the offer to work in Maryland still available?"

"Yes," he replied. "And you should be back in bed, relaxing."

"I have to leave now," I said. "Can you send me the work files I'd need via email?"

"I still think you should talk to Ben about this," he insisted. "It's his child."

"I can handle this myself. I've done it before," I blurted out carelessly.

"You have?" he asked.

"Just forget that," I sighed. "Ethan, I have to leave. I can't keep causing problems to Ben and Chloe. Jason already knows where Chloe goes to school. Being with Ben and this." I pointed at my stomach. "If it gets out, who knows what would happen to him and his reputation?"

"I didn't.. I didn't think about it like that," he replied. "But Ben wouldn't…"

"Ethan, please," I pleaded.

"I can't lie to Ben," he said.

"You don't have to lie," I explained. "Just send me the work files. I can go home and get more rest. When Ben gets back, I can talk to him about this."

"If you put it that way then," he sighed.

"No matter the outcome, promise me you won't interfere?" I asked.

"Alright, I won't," he agreed. "I'll drop you at home. Just get the rest you deserve and think about this thoroughly. Your decision is going to cause problems, or give you a satisfying end."