“Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned as he started to thrust, his eyes locked on mine.

I grabbed his ass and yanked him deeper into me, feeling the climax hit me right away. I didn’t need more than ten thrusts to come apart.I’d been ready for a climax for the last fifteen minutes. It was surprising that I didn’t explode the second he was inside me.

“God…” My head relaxed into the pillow. I watched him continue to thrust into me, filling me at the perfect pace. “Yes…yes.” My nails clawed down his arms, and my hips bucked. I bit my bottom lip as I came undone.

His body jerked. I opened my eyes in time to see his eyes roll inside. Only the white part was visible as he led me into the oblivion of pleasure.He made me come so hard that I didn’t think such intensity was possible—and he didn’t even try.

Chapter thirty-nine

The Babies’ Arrival


I sat next to Amelia as the fundraiser went on. Troy was giving a long speech as the head and owner of the biggest hospital in Richmond.He’d flown in from his honeymoon last night and given me his word to be there.Amelia did her best at collating the names of patients who needed funds for surgeries and hospital bills.She’d done well to invite the patients’ parents and guardians to the party. I worried about Amelia’s pregnancy while we prepared for the event.

She looked stressed every time, so I begged her to let the event planner do the work she was hired to do, but she wanted to know everything going on. Most importantly, she wanted everything to be perfect. This was the first event Amelia and I were hosting, and it was more than just an event for Amelia.

This event was probably the first of many that Amelia would host in Richmond.The fundraiser was a dream Amelia had, inspired by her stepbrother, Nolan – a dream I had helped her achieve.Nolan dropped by Richmond when he heard about the fundraiser; he was prouder of his sister than ever.Then, when the MC invited Amelia to give her speech, everyone in the luxurious hotel hall cheered.

Mother was running late today. It was the only time Mother would come late to an event.She’d been spending more time with her new boyfriend since she had announced their relationship.She’d gone public with it as well. The new headlines blared: Helen Robinson Finding Love Again. she was doing more than just becoming romantic with Robin. She was planning her grand disappearance from Richmond.

I looked over my shoulders a few times, hoping to see if Mother were here. The next time I turned my head, I caught a glimpse of her grinning face.Mother had been smiling a lot lately. She had been nothing but happy. I waved when she saw me, but she was too preoccupied to wave back.

Robin held her left hand; she held her purse in her right hand.Robin waved instead, and I turned to listen to my beautiful wife make her speech.Amelia had written it three days ago; she’d read it a thousand times to me.She’d wanted a perfect speech, one without error or pauses. Now that she stood on the stage, reciting the same speech, it felt like the first time I listened to it.

Yesterday, Amelia had been anxious about facing the crowd. She had almost freaked out.I'd told her to breathe a few times, helping her curtail her anxiety and get past her nervousness. She couldn’t quite understand how difficult it was to face a hall of over two hundred people in Richmond until it was D-day.

Find me in the crowd and fix your eyes on me was the instruction I gave Amelia as she climbed up on the stage.It was a trick to help her get over her anxiety.Today, as she stood ready to give her speech, she took a deep breath and did as I had told her.She found me in the crowd and fixed her eyes on me.Amelia carried prowess, eloquence, and boldness as she spoke to the rapt audience. She mentioned my name a few times – in appreciation for believing in her.Then, she mentioned Nolan, who had inspired the big day.

Her speech moved on to the reason for this event. Interestingly, I had memorized her speech, and I mouthed all the words with her.When she had finished, I started clapping, and the crowd rose for a standing ovation. I stood, still clapping as Amelia came back to our side of the table.I kissed her on her cheek, holding the chair out for her.

The MC continued the event, and I held Amelia’s sweaty hand. “You did great.” I kissed the back of it.

“Thank you,” Amelia replied, her voice hardly audible.

We watched the event unfold before our eyes. I was a proud husband, knowing that my wife’s first fundraiser had accrued up to eight hundred million dollars for sick babies in the hospital. As the ceremony concluded, I accompanied Amelia while she greeted everyone at the event. She hugged a few and kissed the rest on their cheeks.

Amelia wouldn't let go of Camille's hand while I hugged my brother after his return from his honeymoon.Mother and Robin had disappeared. They seemed to have a more important place to be. Amelia’s family was more concerned about the babies growing in her tummy. They asked us when they were due – over and over again.Amelia’s mother thought she should sit for a few minutes.

“Nolan,” Amelia said when I saw her brother again. He’d been so supportive that he had dropped a whopping twenty million dollars at the fundraiser.

"You look great," he said, kissing Amelia and shaking my hand firmly. Beside him was a young woman who I guessed was his date.

Amelia had told me about Nolan's interest in his secretary, but none of us wanted to be too forward. However, Nolan saved us the trouble. Ellen, worked with him. I thought Nolan was clever not identify her role. Her smile could light up the whole place.Amelia hugged and kissed her. There was nothing more special than when a sister saw her brother’s girlfriend for the first time.

“I’ve heard so much about you,” Amelia noted. I noticed that Amelia’s weight rested on me as she found it hard to stay on her feet.

“I hope they are good things?” Nolan’s girlfriend made a joke.

“Of course,” Amelia replied. “Your boyfriend speaks well of you.” Ellen glanced at Nolan in surprise. Amelia realized that she might have said too much.

I took that as a cue that it was time to go home. Ellen and Nolan definitely had a lot to discuss after this party.We apologized to Nolan for making things awkward between him and his secretary. Maybe this was good for them and the best way they’d start a long-lasting romantic relationship.

“Are you staying in Richmond for another day?” I asked Nolan, who expressed his disappointment at not being able to stay.

Nolan shook his head. "I would love to, but we have a few things to handle at the firm."

Amelia hugged the couple again. "I'll see you some other time, then," she promised, "but I have to go. My legs are killing me."