I pushed Amelia's silk gown up to her waist. Her butt was bare, but for the lace panties. "Everything in our world is all about you." I kissed her on the lips. "It's all about you and the kids growing in your tummy."

“I know that,” I acknowledged and kissed Henry back. He closed his eyes as he took my lips. But I pulled away, begging to go to the toilet for a few seconds.

Henry let me, but I came back to a sleeping Henry. He’d forgotten all about the sex he was proposing.I smiled and took my position on the bed.The happenings over these past two weeks and the memories they had created in this family were among the best events of my life.


Troy and Camille’s wedding was just what the whole family needed to get their heads clear. Mother’s eyes were unusually lit today, and she couldn’t stop holding Robin Waters’ hand throughout the event.The last time I ever saw Mother laugh and giggle like a teenager was when Father made romantic gestures.Now, it warmed my heart that she could laugh again.I was with Troy through the day, while Amelia was focused on making today special for her best friend.Amelia and I had barely talked since the wedding had begun. We'd only communicated with our eyes while the ceremony proceeded.

I noticed Amelia struggling a bit with her dress. It fit but not perfectly. I realized that her pregnancy bump couldn’t be hidden anymore.Troy had made a big gesture for Camille today. He’d brought Camille’s family from Quantico, and everything was a surprise.Today, Camille and Troy exchanged their vows in the presence of their families and friends. There was nothing as special as one’s family.

I made the best man's speech at the reception. I wasn’t sure if it was the romance in the air, but Amelia’s eyes were fixed on me as I spoke. She looked like a wife who was proud of her husband.I sat next to Amelia while Troy and Camille had their first dance in the center of the hall. Everything unfolded before our eyes, and, when it was time for the audience to join the dance, I held a rose up to Amelia.

“Dance with me, queen,” I said, smiling. Amelia took the rose and held it to her nose, savoring the sweet, soothing smell of her favorite flower.She slid the rose into her hair.

“It makes the perfect accessory,” I whispered.

I took Amelia’s hand as I led her to the dance floor.We joined Camille and Troy. Amelia exchanged a bright smile with Camille. The live band played Tom Walker’s Just You and I smoothly from the stage.In a few seconds, Mom and Robin Waters came to the dance floor; then the rest of the guests joined in.These were the people I would do anything for. Being a member of this family was a great joy.The music changed to Elton John’s Your Song. It made me remember the first time I heard it play. No song would have been as perfect. I held Amelia's waist, and we slowly danced to the rest of the playlist. Amelia rested her head on my shoulder, and her hair shampoo's smell filled my nostrils.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered. Amelia’s head was still on my shoulder. She was lost at the moment.

Her baby bump almost touched my tummy. Then, Amelia suddenly gasped. She looked at me, “Did you feel that?”

“No,” I said, looking down at her tummy. “Feel what?”

“The baby kicked,” she chuckled. “Did you feel the baby kick?”

My hand covered her tummy, and I silently prayed that our babies would kick again just so I could feel it.

“Do you want to get out of here?” I asked and Amelia nodded.

We walked to the back of the hall, and I placed Amelia gently on a seat.My hand was on her baby bump. I prayed that the baby would kick again.

“Come on!” I said, staring at the bump.

Amelia and I waited a few more minutes, but the music soon stopped, and the couple was by the wedding cake, ready to make the first cut.

“I’m sorry, Henry,” Amelia begged. “They won’t kick again.”

After the cake-cutting, everyone who wanted to dance went back to the floor.We almost gave up on the baby kicks when I felt a kick. Amelia gasped, and one of tiny little beans kicked from the womb again.

“Oh, my God,” I exclaimed. “They kicked again.”

I looked at Amelia's beautiful face. She nodded excitedly. I was happy and excited, that I had felt my babies' kicks for the first time.Amelia stopped me from telling Mother. She didn’t want to take the focus off Troy and Camille.Some other time, she promised.I held Amelia’s hand as we walked back to the dance floor. Amelia was getting too tired to dance, but I wasn’t.I took Mother's hand from Robin's grip, asking her for a dance. She looked up at me, smiling.

“You’re beautiful today,” I complimented. “You will make a beautiful bride once again.”

“Of course, I will.”

I kissed Mom on the cheek. Camille came closer, motioning for her to take the wedding flower bouquet.Mother, confused, took the bouquet. When she turned around, there was Robin, on one knee, holding out a ring at Mother.

“Marry me, Helen.”

Mother stretched out her finger; the whole hall shared as Robin slid the ring on her ring finger.I hugged Amelia as we watched it unfold before us. Camille and Troy had their dream wedding, our babies communicated with us today, and Mother got engaged again.

There was never a happier moment.

Chapter thirty-eight