I covered my mouth. I'd spilled the secret Henry and I had been keeping to ourselves. "Yeah, but you have to act surprised when he tells you."
"Trust me," Nolan replied, and we dug into our meals.
Chapter thirty-five
Mother's Boyfriend
I learned that Nolan was around from Amelia; he'd dropped by before his flight took off this morning.Nolan was doing an incredible job in Richmond. He had opened a restaurant that sold meals at half the price of what they usually cost: a way to give back to the community.Nolan wasn't a businessman. He didn't care about making a profit. He was an artist who only wanted to sell his pieces to the world.
So far, he was on top of his game.Amelia was impressed like everyone else. She was also proud of her brother.Even more, she wouldn't stop talking about it.Amelia also wanted us to give back to Richmond, not like Nolan, but in a more satisfying way.
"The Robinsons give back to the society," I reminded her. "We just do it differently."
The Robinsons had an orphanage on the outskirts of Richmond, and we'd fixed some street lights on the main streets.
"I want us to do it," Amelia said. "Your parents' orphanage is not even for the public, and the street lights lead to your mother's house."
Amelia continued, "I want us to give back to the community."
I sighed, knowing I could not convince her to see it from a business point of view.I was a businessman, and all I thought about was profit.Venturing into a nonprofitable business wasn't in my business book. I never thought I would consider it until now.
I looked up at Amelia and said, "I will think about it."
She smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek. Then we heard the doorbell, and Amelia ran toward the door. We were expecting Troy and Camille to visit today.While Amelia and Camille went upstairs, Troy and I settled at the bar in my house.
"I saw Robin Waters with Mom," I said. "I think they are seeing each other."
"Are you sure about this?" Troy asked as he sat across from me.
He knew I wouldn't lie. But such news was hard to believe.It was even harder, knowing that the media would go crazy if the news got out.The girls giggled loudly from the kids' room; we both looked toward the room at the same time. Troy was still dumbfounded.He didn't want to believe me.
"Robin Waters is Mother's long-time business partner. There is no way she is sleeping with him."
When I told Amelia a few days ago, she didn't believe me at first, but she'd told me that Mother was old enough to have a fling if she wanted.I'd talked about it for days, and Amelia was starting to get tired of my obsession with her.
Troy scoffed as he took a sip of wine. "If Mother was ever sleeping with someone, I think we would have known by now."
"We live close by to her. We stay in her mansion more than we stay in ours. We have family dinners every month; you think we wouldn't have had a clue?"
I rubbed my face at Troy's question. I couldn't believe he was asking me these questions. Mother was a smart woman who kept us in check just because she didn't want to be caught.She was a wise woman who told us when to visit and when not to. She lived in a mansion that could hide a man if she ever had one.I was convinced by what I saw between Mother and Robin. I couldn't quite explain it, but my intuition was right.I could almost wrap it around my fingers, and then it slipped off in seconds.
"I think we should talk to Mother and ask her directly."
"What do we ask her?" Troy said. "Mom, have you been fucking Robin Water? How does it even sound?"
I knew it sounded wild, but it was better than never finding out.
"I will ask her if you can't." I told Troy. "I can't shake off my strong feelings."
"What if you are wrong?"
"Then, I will know I am wrong."
Troy sighed, "I will go with you." Troy paused. "I know it's all in your head, but I will go with you."
I didn't think Troy disagreed with my claim. I thought he was only in denial. He was not ready to hear that his beloved mother could marry another man.The ladies came out just in time. Seeing Amelia from afar, I could agree that her pregnancy was beginning to show.We had dinner together, a routine we had kept over time. We were often hosted in Troy's home, but Amelia had insisted that we host my brother and his fiancée.The next day, Troy and I met at Mother's parking lot.