Troy smiled and asked, “How do we do that?”

“We’ll write a letter to the company, posing as Mom. They won’t show up for the conversion.”

"What if Mother finds out and hires another construction company? Do we keep canceling her contracts?"

“No, we won’t,” I replied, “but it will give us more time to think.”

“How do we do that?” Troy’s face was lit up, and he agreed to my idea.

I stood up, throwing my jacket over my back, one of the skills I had learned while learning the business from Mother. It was her signature move.

“Don’t worry,” I smiled. “I can handle it.”

I stopped at Troy's door. "I'm sorry, man," I said. "I know that you would have married Camille if not for my mess."

“You did nothing,” Troy replied. “Now close the door behind you.”

I walked out of Troy’s office, looking around to catch a grab a glimpse of Amelia. I scanned all the women in scrubs and white jackets, but Amelia wasn’t among them.

I walked back to my car and drove out of the hospital compound. I drove into my mother’s driveway just as a tinted Range Rover Sport drove out. I couldn’t place where I had seen this same car before.I didn't bother to wrack my brain; Mother probably had a new friend. I walked into the living room, taking a seat next to her. I noticed the surprise on her face.

"Are you here to say thank you for taking care of the lawsuit?" Mother said proudly.

I knew she was behind the lawsuit cancellation, and I was grateful that she stepped in when I needed it.

“You look like a mess,” Mother pronounced. “I heard you won’t sack your workers yet.”

“Troy offered to lend me money,” I replied. “I just want to try to keep my empire together.”

Mother walked me to her study. Her awards were proudly placed on a shelf, and she scribbled something in her checkbook.

“When your father and I were building this empire, we had a lot in mind.” She paused. “One of the things your father never wanted was for you or your brother to go bankrupt.”

Mother continued, “And like a seer, your father knew this day might come.”

She looked down at her scribbling and back up at me. “I thought he was crazy for doing what he did. I thought you could never go bankrupt no matter what happened.”

“Your father opened an account. A backup account where interests from every investment were kept. He did it for twenty years, and I continued after his demise. Forty years of saving and investing.”

“This is for you, Henry.” Mother handed me a check for one billion dollars. “Your father loved you. Even in the grave, he still thinks of your well-being.”

My hand shook as I held the check. It was quite unbelievable that my father had foreseen this day and had acted accordingly.

“I don’t know what to say,” I muttered.

"You don't have to say anything, Henry. Your father and I love you so much; you aren't going anywhere down the status ladder."

I gritted my teeth, holding back from crying. I couldn't believe that Father had us in mind all this while. He was distant from us, but he was only working hard to give us the best.

"Thank you." I folded the check and put it into my pocket. "Thank you, Mom."

Mom nodded. "Now, get back to your business and make the best out of this money."

I walked out of Mother's vast mansion. When I got to the car, I felt a soothing gust of air over my body.I was being given another chance to make things right – and to live again.I started to laugh. A laugh of victory. I wanted to go to my office and assure my staff that they were safe; but first, I'd like to go home.Amelia deserved to know.

I grabbed Amelia by her waist when she came home.She always obliged. Her eyes were tired, but they were pleasing, nonetheless.I strode to the bedroom sofa and was about to sit when she turned and suddenly stopped me.

"No, chair," she said as her voice rose a pitch higher.